Lesson Plan : Magnetism
Teacher Name: | Mr. P. Ashok |
Grade: | Grade 7-8 |
Subject: | Science |
Topic: | Magnetism |
Content: | History of magnets Properties of magnets Methods of making artificial magnets Handling magnets Uses of magnets |
Goals: | Appreciates the history behind the discovery of magnetism Recognizes the magnetic and non-magnetic materials Identifies the laws of magnets Magnetization Demagnetization Day-to-day applications of magnets |
Objectives: | Students will know and be able to: 1. Observe and describe properties of materials 2. Objects and/ or materials can be sorted or classified according to their properties 3. work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, friends and others 4. gather information and communicate with others with support from teachers or student partners |
Materials: | 1. PowerPoint presentations 2. KWL worksheet 3. Magnet maze worksheet 4. Word chop worksheet 5. Word search worksheet 6. Hands-on activity using resources in the form of (a) magnets of various shapes (b) magnets of different pole strengths etc. |
Introduction: | The Magnets in My House Students are given a list of items in a typical home. They are advised to take a look at them and decide if they have magnets in them. Put a check next to the materials that have magnets. In the last two boxes name to other items in your house that have magnets. |
Development: | Example of Creative Demonstrations Magnets and Magnetic Fields Concepts: Around every magnet there is a magnetic field that can attract or repel objects having magnetic properties. Each magnet has two poles, north and south. Like magnets repel. Unlike magnetic poles attract. Materials: Two round, rod-like magnets Two bar magnets String A stand to support a suspended magnet Procedure: 1. Place the two round, rod-like magnets on a table. Bring one close to the other (lengthwise). The magnets will either attract or repel. Flip one magnet so the poles are opposite. Bring one magnet close to the other again. Ask: What did you observe? Who can explain why it happened? Can something be repelled if they can�t touch? 2. Take a bar magnet. Tie it to a string and suspend it. Bring another magnet close to it. Flip the magnet you are holding so that the poles are opposite. Bring it close again. Ask: What did you observe? Why did it happen? If you think they are magnets, how would you prove it? How would you determine the strength of a group of magnets? What evidence is there that both ends are not the same? Illustration of a Pictorial Riddle: A pictorial riddle represents scientific information on poster board, blackboard or transparency. Students can create their own. For instance, observe this picture. What are all the things you could ask about it? (figure available in print form) Which direction is the house facing? What time of year or day might it be? What angle does the sun�s rays hit? The construction of pictorial riddles by children can be used as a creative activity which will motivate others to want to create similar riddles. |
Practice: | Objectives/Goals Students will use a bar magnet to find the direction of the Earth�s magnetic north pole. Materials A bar magnet, thread, several heavy books, tape, ruler and chart paper, globe, map Key Vocabulary pole, balanced, force Review the knowledge of magnetism gained through the lesson by asking open-ended questions. Ask students if they know where the North Pole is. Allow students time to look at a map or globe to find their answers. Tell students there is also a magnetic north pole, and ask for predictions of what that might mean. Write their predictions on a piece of chart paper. Tell students they will find the magnetic north pole by the end of this lesson. Have students mark the north pole of the magnet using prior information given in the lesson. Finding the middle of the magnet, have students wind a 7"-8" piece of thread around the magnet and tie into a knot. When the children hold the other end of the thread, the magnet should be balanced and parallel to the ground. Take the free end of the thread and tape it to the end of the ruler. Place five books on the edge of a counter, sliding the ruler between the top two books. The magnet will be hanging down and able to move about. Once the magnet comes to rest, where does the north pole of the magnet point? Move the magnet again to find if it settles in the same spot. Move about the room as well as outside. Does the pole continually point in the same direction. Allow ample time for students to experiment then gather in a group. What did the student�s experiments find? Were their results consistent? Evaluation/Assessment Students record their findings, teacher evaluates student�s fndings. |
Accommodations: | |
Checking For Understanding: | Through Assignment Through homework Through project Through discussion |
Closure: | Their creation must reflect knowledge attained from Lessons of the chapter. Students should be given plenty of time and materials to create an invention. Partner or group work is acceptable as long as all children have participated equally. This process may take one to three sessions of science. |
Evaluation: | Formative evaluation for every session Summative evaluation at the end of the chapter |
Teacher Reflections: |
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