Lesson Plan : Learning About Plant Life

Teacher Name:
 Paige Everett
 Grade 1

 The components and growth cycle of various types of plants found in nature.
 Ability to label the basic parts of a plant, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds. Ability to describe what makes a plant grow, including the components of water, soil, and sunlight. Key vocabulary will include: parts, plant, grow, flower, grass, leaves, and life, sunlight, water, soil, and ?
 The student will gain the ability to identify the basic parts of a plant and will be able to name the natural components that help a plant to develop and sustain life. The student will gain this ability in order to gain an understanding of the basic growth patterns of plants, what those plants need to develop and thrive, and the student will hopefully gain an appreciation of the variet y of plants that are to be found in their natural world.
 1)The student will be able to correctly identify the basic parts of a plant. 2)The student will be able to name the three natural components that help a plant to grow and thrive, including the components of water, soil, and sunlight. 3)The student will be able to generalize how all living things need the same basic components, water, food, and sunlight, in order to flourish and to live together.
 Materials used are to include a colorful book about the basic growth and parts of plants and the variety of plants that can be found in nature. Other materials will include a written quiz that is composed of a basic diagram of a plant, along with a simple word bank, on which the student will match the word to the part of the plant by drawing a line from the word to the part. The student will also be asked as part of the quiz to choose the three aides of plant growth out of a group of words, including: soil, trees, water, leaves, and sunlight.
 The class will engage in discussion concerning how the components that help plants to grow can relate to the components that help people to grow (i.e. how soil is the food for a plant and how humans also need sunlight and fresh air in order to grow and develop properly).
 The class will be read a book that focuses on the basic parts of a plant and the three components, soil, water, and sunlight, that must be involved in order for a plant to grow and sustain life. The book will also include a minimal focus on the variety of plants that can be found in nature.
 The teacher will take the students on a walking field trip to a nearby field or to an open field on the school grounds where various plants or flowers grow. Each student will take a plant back to the classroom and the class will engage in a discussion about the basic parts of the plant and the components that they noticed outside that helped the plants to grow and develop. This will be a hands-on experience in which the students will be engaged in a discussion of nature while at the same time observing nature. The students will also be engaging in the skills of classification, comparison, and interpretation.
 The lesson will be adjusted in order to accommodate lower-functioning special needs student(s) in that these student(s) will be provided with a copy of the same diagram that the other students are using in their independent practice, however, the student will be instructed to independently color this diagram instead of labeling it. This activity will allow the student(s) to practice their small motor skills and creativity skills. If the student functions at more of a moderate level, the student will be included in the questioning part of the discussion, as well as being allowed to attempt the independent practice along with the rest of the class. This student(s) work will be graded fairly according to their effort and participation, instead of their ability level. For gifted and advanced students, the lesson will be modified as follows: the student will be asked to choose and write the parts of the plant and also the components that help a plant to grow and thrive on the independent practice, as opposed to simply matching the words to the diagram by drawing lines. This modification will allow the gifted or advanced student to be challenged more with the lesson without seeing the lesson as being too difficult.
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will question the student about the lesson, including asking the students what about places where he/she is likely to see various plants, such as in the yard of their home or on the school grounds. The students will also be asked which of the components that help plants to grow and thrive are the exact components help humans to grow and thrive (i.e. water would be a component, soil would not specifically be a component).
 The student will be asked what other type of living thing, aside from plants and humans, also needs the basic components of food, water, and sunlight to grow and sustain life. The student will be guided in this answer by explaining that animals also need the same basic components of life as plants and humans. This short explanation will mark the next lesson of the unit, which will be focused on the various types of animals and their varying natural habitats.
 The student will 1)be quizzed by way of a written quiz on his/her ability to correctly identify the basic parts of a plant and also to correctly identify the three components that aid in the growth of a plant, including soil, water, and sunlight. The student will also 2)be assessed in order to determine if they are following the class discussion of the topic of plant growth and life.
Teacher Reflections:

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