Lesson Plan : All About Crickets

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Cooper
 Grade 2

 The Very Quiet Cricket Labeling activity
 Nocturnal - most active at night Omnivores - eat plants and animals Jumping Legs - propel cricket into air Antennae - help cricket sense touch and detect odors Simple eyes - see in different direction and tell between light and dark Compound eyes - 2 larger, angled eyes hexagonal lenses Fore Wings - hard, leathery parts on thorax Hind Wing - pair of wings farthest from head "flying wings" Spiracles - small holes in abdomen, help breathe abdomen - tail area of cricket thorax - middle area of cricket head - front of cricket's body
 - Be able to label and identify main parts of a cricket - Know insects have 3 body parts: head, thorax, abdomen
 The book Worksheets
 Ask What are some sounds you hear during the summer? What about at nighttime? Did you ever wonder what bugs were making noises? Or how they were making those noises? Well, We will find out later on what they are and how they do it.
 Also see THE OUTLINE Read Book Ask what they know about crickets when and where you see them How they move What they eat What they look like Labeling activity Study 5-10 mins Mini Quiz 10 mins
 Study by themselves Study with a neighbor
 Give them a sheet with the cricket labeled Verbally quiz them on different parts
Checking For Understanding:
 Mini Quiz on functions of parts on Cricket
 Know that insects have 3 main body parts: Head, thorax, abdomen Listen for crickets when it is warmer out imagine yourself as the cricket.
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