Lesson Plan : Element Project

Teacher Name:
 Pat D'Antono
 Grade 9-10

 Regents Chemistry Element Project
 Subject Matter: Periodic Table Key vocabulary: element symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, electron configuration by principle energy level, protons, neutrons, electrons, isotopes, electronegativity, ionization energy.
 Goal #1: NETS standard #5 Technology research tools. Students will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect infromation from a variety of sources. NYS ELA standard #1 Commencement level. Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding. IRA standard #8 Students use a variety of technological and information resources to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge. NYS MST standard #2 Information Systems Commencement level. Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information as a tool to enhance learning. Goal #2: NETS standard #3 Technology productivity tools. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. NYS ELA standard #1 Commencement level. Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding. IRA standard #8 Students use a variety of technological and information resources to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge. NYS MST standard #2 Information Systems. Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information as a tool to enhance learning.
 Objective #1: Given the terms and concepts of the organization of the periodic table, students will use Internet or library resources to research one of the elements and demonstrate knowledge of a minimum of five facts pertaining to the assigned element. Objective #2: Given instruction on how to create a Power Point presentation, students will use the information gathered through research about their element and create a presentation that contains a minimum of seven slides. The students will then present their findings to the class.
 Computer lab equipped with Internet access and the program Power Point Books and periodicals in the library Textbook - Prentice Hall Chemistry The Study of Matter Websites: Los Alamos National Laboratory Chemistry Division Presents Periodic Table of the Elements http://pearl1.lanl.gov/periodic/default.htm Periodic table http://www.chemistrycoach.com/periodic_tables.htm WebElements Periodic table (Professional edition) http://www.webelements.com/index.html Environmental Chemistry http://www.environmentalchemistry.com
 The teacher will explain that an important part of the study of science is the research and technology that accompanies all branches of science. Students will then be asked how many of them have worked with the program Power Point. The teacher will show the class a Power Point presentation to begin a discussion about the positive aspects of presenting research information in this format.
 Time will be reserved for the class to go to the library where the teacher will demonstrate how to do research on the assigned element both on the Internet as well as in the books and periodicals available. Research will then continue in the computer lab on the Internet sites provided by the teacher. The technology integration teacher will use computer lab time to give instruction on the Power Point program.
 After receiving instructions on the Power Point program, students will work independently with their research information, to create their own individual presentations. Students will be expected to do the following: Part I: Gather facts about your element. The first five starred items are required! *Element symbol *Atomic number *Atomic Mass *Electron configuration - by principle energy level (You must find a diagram or picture of the levels) *Number of protons, neutrons and electrons Common isotopes - How many? Any special characteristics? Discovery - When and Who? Origin of name or symbol Basic Periodic table information - covalent radius, electronegativity, ionization energy Metal, non metal, or metalloid (i.e. location on the Periodic table State at room temperature Boiling point and melting point Physical properties (density, specific heat, crystal structure, etc.) Chemical Properties (reactivity, flammability, what substances does it react with) Famous compounds or everyday compounds that contain your element Famous inventions How abundant is your element? Where is your element found? How is your element produced? Toxicity Common uses of your element Uses for the compounds of your element Cost per lb., oz., g., etc. Any good gossip (unusual or interesting facts) about your element Pictures of items made from your element or from compounds that contain your element **State the sources for your information. You should use at least three different references. One reference may be your chemistry text.
 The students may choose to obtain their information from print sources or Internet sources. Each student will create his or her own unique presentation using this program. Support will be provided to students who are newly acquainted with this computer program and/or may be struggling with the work. Support may consist of additional time in the computer lab or one on one instruction.
Checking For Understanding:
 Power point presentations will be printed and handed in for grading and evaluation. The teacher will check for the five required aspects of the research and the citation of where the information was obtained.
 Students will be given the opportunity to present their project to the class.
 Each power Point presentation must contain at least these five facts about the element: 1-Element symbol 2-Atomic number 3-Atomic mass 4-A diagram or picture of the electron configuration by principles energy level 5-number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Students must cite all sources that they used to obtain their information on the last slide of the presentation.
Teacher Reflections:
 The creation of this lesson was truly a collaborative endeavor that could not have been possible without two of the chemistry teachers at my high school,the librarian, and the technology integration teacher. Approximately 150 students did this assignment and each created a truly unique presentation.

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