Lesson Plan : Food and Nutrition

Teacher Name:
 Michelle D. Bonczek
 Grade 4
 PE and Health

 For students to be able to choose what foods are healthy choices and which foods are not healthy choices
 determine healthy, nutritious choices as opposed to those that are unhealthy choices.
 Students will identify healthy, nutritious foods as opposed to foods with little benefit to their health and be able to create healthy choices.
 Create a KWL Chart about Nutrition and healthy choices. Model: The teacher will write the foods eaten by him over the past two days on the board, i.e romaine lettuce, oatmeal, protein shake, banana, chili, chicken breast, baked potato, fiber one bar, and broccoli, egg whites, spinach, tuna fish, sirloin steak, green beans, and steamed rice. The teacher will then place the foods into the proper food groups of breads, milk, fruits and vegetables, meats, and junk food. Explain to the students why each food was placed into the various groups. Indicate there was no junk food in these two days. Discuss the nutritional value of each item. For example, they include good carbohydrates and good protein for a balanced diet. They also represent good fats. Defend what is healthy and what is not.
 Show United Streaming Video on Food Groups and Choices. Daily Food Choices for Healthy Living. Board, markers, Computer, LCD, Internet Access, Students: Paper, Pencils, Chart Paper; Markers, Newspaper Ads from Grocery stores; Glue
 Discuss the nutritional value of each food group, show a video on food group and choices.
 Create a KWL Chart about Nutrition and healthy choices. Model: The teacher will write the foods eaten by him over the past two days on the board, i.e romaine lettuce, oatmeal, protein shake, banana, chili, chicken breast, baked potato, fiber one bar, and broccoli, egg whites, spinach, tuna fish, sirloin steak, green beans, and steamed rice. The teacher will then place the foods into the proper food groups of breads, milk, fruits and vegetables, meats, and junk food. Explain to the students why each food was placed into the various groups. Indicate there was no junk food in these two days. Discuss the nutritional value of each item
 Students will write in pairs (Think � Pair � Share) what they have eaten over the past two days. They will divide the food items into the various food groups and discuss with their partners if the food had a nutritional value. Those foods that do not have a good nutritional value, the students will identify alternate choices that could have been made. Student groups will come up with a week of meals which would be of good nutritional value and include snacks that would be appropriate to eat to stay healthy.
 creating an illustrated, labeled map of food groups with various foods.graphic organizers, pictures, and kinesthetic activities. Have non disabled peer help with disabled peer.
Checking For Understanding:
 daily informal progress monitoring, as well as periodic formal monitoring
 Each child will be required to turn in a plate that shows a well balanced meal.
Teacher Reflections:

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