Lesson Plan : Aerobic fitness

Teacher Name:
 Brad Burnett
 Grade 7-8
 PE and Health

 Aerobic fitness training (EDITED)
 Aerobic, aneroabic, fitness training, cardiorespiritory system. South Dakota state standards for Physical Education Standard one-Students will develop competency in all fundamentals movement skills and proficiency in some movement skills.
 Students will gain knowledge of how to build their own aerobic fitness plan to use in their daily life, gain an understanding of the importance of aerobic fitness, and actively participate in aerobic fitness during class.
 Given the directions for each exercise, the students will assist one another with each activity to gain an understanding of team work and practice. Given challenging opportunities for some activities, teams will compete in following directions. Praise will be encouraged and promoted foster good sportsmanship among the teams.
 Healthy Heart, Fitness for Life, Fitness and Health, and other related materials
 Outline of the unit, I will explain the goals to the class and give them a choice of aerobic activities to choose from, this unit will be four weeks long.The activities are as follows; Fundamentals of running, movement calisthenics,Building a personal fitness program.
 Every activity will start with explanation, demonstration, and goals. Continual feedback and instruction will be used during the activity. Basic fundamentals are the primary goal but students will be given the opportunity to broaden each activity.
 Fundamentals of all activities listed in introduction, continued practice of activity until student feels comfortable with content. All activities will be monitored and continual feedback will be given to enhance the students knowledge. There will be discussions.
 Adaptations will be made for students with impairments during activity. There will always be an exercise to meet their needs.
Checking For Understanding:
 Student self check rubric, three minute step test-recovery heart rate, one mile run, effort, participation, team work, self activity log, and aerobic fitness program.
 Class presentation of fitness programs, discussion of programs, and student choice activity day.
 Timed one mile run, three minute step test, and mastery of fundamental agility skills.
Teacher Reflections:
 Do I feel that my students gained an appreciation for one another today by displaying good sportsmanship? How can I encourage this in my classes? What worked today? What can I change for the next class?

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