Lesson Plan : "Quarter Note Rock"

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Jeff Griggs
 Grade 5

 Unit 4: Lesson 1 - Quarter Note Rock
 - Quarter Notes - Music Reading - Intonation - Pulse Control - Critique - An evaluation of the quality of a performance - Intonation - The accuracy of pitch or pitch relationships in the performance of music - Ledger Lines - Short lines placed above or below the staff for pitches beyond the range of the staff
 TSW perform quarter notes with proper rhythmic accuracy, correct note length, and adequate tone quality.
 - The student will count, read, and play quarter-note and quarter-rest notation - The student will demonstrate an awareness of intonation - The student will demonstrate an awareness of pulse control - The student will demonstrate continued development of embouchure/implement position and articulation/stroke dexterity - The percussion student will play hold-and-strike instruments
 - Band Expressions Teacher Edition - Student book - Appropriate Instrument - Pencil
 TTW teach correct unpacking procedures and the importance of an orderly traffic flow to their seats. TTW state "In this lesson, we will read new rhythms, percussion will experience new instruments, and we will all record, listen to, and evaluate our performance.
 - TTW introduce the new rhythm by connecting the students' previous experience with the written notation of quarter notes and quarter rests. - TTW introduce hold-and-strike percussion instruments(woodblock and cowbell). - TTW demonstrate the proper note length and tone quality of the quarter note by discussing and demonstrating the "beginning, middle, and end" of each note. - TTW direct students to play "Quarter Note Rock" and ask students to read quarter notes and quarter rests - TTW focus the students' attention on reading the notation while having an awareness of pitch and precision.
 - TSW play and sustain the first pitch notated in measure 1. - TSW wind-pattern the rhythm found in measure 1. - TSW play measure 1. - TSW play one measure at a time and continue to add the previous measures onto the new measures to build continuity in tone quality and note length.
 - TTW walk around the room and individually help students that are struggling with their rhythms by breaking down the problem issues and demonstrating for the student. - TTW walk around the room and help all students review and understand the correct fingering of each note.
Checking For Understanding:
 - The student will count, read, and play quarter-note and quarter-rest notation - The student will demonstrate an awareness of intonation - The student will demonstrate an awareness of pulse control - The student will demonstrate continued development of embouchure/implement position and articulation/stroke dexterity - The percussion student will play hold-and-strike instruments - TTW state, "Today we learned our first note on the staff and how to read quarter notes and quarter rests." - TTW state, "We also reviewed the importance of proper embouchure, breathing, and articulation." - TTW state, "Percussionists learned the hold-and-strike technique by using the cowbell and woodblock." - TTW state, "We talked about the importance of intonation and ensemble precision and critiqued several examples of our playing." - TTW state, "You all did a good job of playing each quarter note with the correct note length and attack of the note. Be sure to continue to strive for the best possible tone quality you can produce." - TTW state, "When you were reading the notes for the first time today, what did you have to think about in order to perform the piece correctly?" - TTW state, "How did you know you were reading and performing the piece correctly?"
 - TTW state, "Practice 'More Quarters' for our next lesson. This exercise will help you develop your music-reading skills. Percussionists, practice your stroke dexterity exercises found in exercises #1-#8. Create your own version of a dexterity exercise and notate the pattern using "L" and "R". - TTW state, "In our next lesson we will review the practice assignment and learn about a new concept called "soli".
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