Lesson Plan : Non-Numeric Patterns

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Barnes
 Grade 1

 Patterns and Functions
 Standard 1.0 Students will algebraically represent, model, analyze, or solve mathematical or real-world problems involving patterns or functional relationships. The vocabulary words are "set"(a collection of objects or numbers that can be counted), manipulatives (real objects such as buttons or blocks used to illustrate concepts or to solve problems), and sum (the answer in an addition problem).
 A.2. Students will identify, describe, create, and extend non-numeric patterns
 2.b. Students will represent and analyze repeating patterns using no more than 3 different objects in the core of the pattern. c. Students will transfer a repeating pattern from one medium to a different medium using mo nore than 3 different objects in the core of the pattern. d. Students will identify patterns in real-world situations
 manipulatives, paper, crayons, pencils, overhead
 Students will be asked what the word pattern means. Ask students if they see any patterns in the room.
 Ask students if they know what is meant by the word "pattern". After the students give their answers tell them that a pattern is something that is imitated or repeated. The class will go over the vocabulary words (set, manipulatives, and sum. The teacher will use an overhead to demonstrate patterns using manipulatives (3 different shapes). The teacher will form the pattern of 3,2,1,2 and repeat this pattern three times. The students will be asked if they see the patterns formed by the manipulatives.
 Students will be given worksheets to work together as a class and point out the patterns that they see, and how many sets of patterns are in the picture.
 1. Students above level will use manipulatives to create their own patterns using different shapes, and draw them on a sheet of paper in the patterns they have created. Also, writing down the number patterns that they have created, and the number of sets. 2. Students on level will be given handouts of patterns (circles, squares, and triangles). They will circle and write down the patterns, and sets. 3. Students below level will be given more patterns of shapes for them to color. They will be directed to color the shapes certain colors. They will write down the patterns.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will be given a math bag to take home to work with their parents. A letter will be in the bag to explain to parents what the students are learning, curriculum outcomes,a book, activities related to the story, and instructions on their homework assignment.
 Students will be asked what they have learned about patterns and sets.
 The next day students will be given a test to see if they really understand patterns and sets.
Teacher Reflections:
 1. Were students able to identify patterns and set? 2. Were they able to create their own patterns using manipulatives. 3. Were students able to see patterns in the real-world?

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