Lesson Plan : Working the Word Problem
Teacher Name: | Claire Gibbons |
Grade: | Grade 11-12 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | Word Problems Practice computation Math Game signifying Life Skills Math - Banking |
Content: | Four mixed word problems from daily experiences decimals, money, addition, subtraction, multiplication, time problems. Review steps to solving word problems. |
Goals: | To read a problem and extract key information in order to answer a question. Solve word problems. |
Objectives: | Name the correct operation in order to solve word problems. Use a calculator to solve equations formed from word problems. Write answers to word problems on paper. |
Materials: | Camera, screen, projector, computer, internet, paper and pencil activity, online games and practice program. Calculators |
Introduction: | Students will recite the steps to solving word problems. Students will retain a copy of the rules for their math notebook as well as using the posters for future use. |
Development: | Student volunteer will read the first problem, class will brainstorm and analyze the problem to establish an equation. Additional three problems will be handled in similar fashion. |
Practice: | After finishing four word problems, students will practice combinations with student conducting computer flashcard program. After flashcards, students will play math game called Math at the Mall. Location: http://www.mathplayground.com//indexhtml |
Accommodations: | Projected image, paper and pencil activity, teacher and assistant available for extra questions, projected image enlarged, prompts, games, interactive activities. |
Checking For Understanding: | Review of each problem. Reminder of steps to solving word problems, repetition. |
Closure: | Extra time on computer game in order to win "prize". Collect paper exercises and commend students. |
Evaluation: | Rubrics and self assessment. |
Teacher Reflections: | Students reacted favorably to the word problems; they seemed eager to read and solve each one. There was some confusion about the rounding; whether it was before five or after. The class worked well together and the reading was terrific. Dan did an excellent job conducting the computer program while I sat with a couple of students to make sure they were using their calculators. |
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