Lesson Plan : Solving Radical Equations
Teacher Name: | Emily Werner |
Grade: | Grade 11-12 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | Solving Radical and Rational Equations |
Content: | rational exponents, radicals, solving, equations, order of operations |
Goals: | This lesson will take two days. In the first day, the goal is to show students how to solve equations with rational exponents and/or radicals. The second day is used to extend students' knowledge of solving to where an equation has either two radicals or two expressions with rational exponents. |
Objectives: | 1)Show students what solving radical equations means. 2)Give students the expression Isolate-Eliminate-Solve, to help them remember what they need to do first in solving. 3)Give students practice solving equations with radicals and equations with rational exponents. 4)show students how to solve equations that have more than one radical or expresssion with a rational exponent. 5)Students get some practice solving with multiple radicals and/or rational exponents. |
Materials: | overhead, overhead markers, transparencies, whiteboard, whiteboard markers |
Introduction: | 1)Teacher will introduce section be asking students to remind her what an equation is, and what solving means. Teacher then gives a definition of a radical equations and some examples of such. 2)Teacher reminds students of what they did the previous lesson. |
Development: | 1)Teacher then gives students examples of solving equations with radicals using the Isolate-Eliminate-Solve method. Next the teacher gives students examples of solving equations with rational exponents using the Isolate-Eliminate-Solve method. 2)Teacher shows students how to solve equations with multiple radicals using the Isolate-Eliminate-Solve method. |
Practice: | 1)Students get two or three examples of solving equations with radicals and two to three examples of equations with rational exponents. 2)Students get a few examples that have more than one radical and more than one expression with a rational exponent. |
Accommodations: | verbal and visual explanations and directions, different colors |
Checking For Understanding: | Teacher will have students work together on some examples, and then will call on students to tell her what she will do to solve the problem. |
Closure: | Teacher wraps up lesson by giving the students the homework assignment. |
Evaluation: | |
Teacher Reflections: |
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