Lesson Plan : 6.1 Polynomial Functions
Teacher Name: | Emily Werner |
Grade: | Grade 11-12 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | Introduction to Polynomial functions |
Content: | polynomial functions, standard form of a polynomial function, classes of polynomial functions, modeling polynomials. |
Goals: | 1) To introduce or reintroduce students to polynomial functions 2) To define polynomial and to provide students with a standard form of a polynomial 3) To show students the differences between classes of polynomials, and how to classify polynomials 4) Teach students how to graph different polynomials and how to model different polynomials. |
Objectives: | 1) Students will start working with polynomial functions, and specifically the standard form of a polynomial function. 2) Stundets will have some practice classifying polynomial functions based on number of terms, and degree. 3) Students will be reminded how to enter data into a calculator. 4) Students will remember how to find a quadratic model, and have some practice finding a linear model and/or a cubic model. |
Materials: | whiteboard, whiteboard markers, overhead, overhead markers, transparencies, overhead calculator |
Introduction: | -Teacher reminds students what they had worked on in the previous chapter -Teacher asks students if they know what a polynomial is -Teacher might have different polynomials listed on a white board |
Development: | -Teacher defines monomial and polynomial -Teacher gives the standard form of a polynomial and explains its components -Teacher defines the term degree, and the degree of a polynomial -Teacher starts a list of different polynomials classified by degree and by number of terms |
Practice: | Ex. 1: Classifying Polynomials a) 9+(x^3) b) (x^3)-2(x^2)-3(x^4) c) 2x+10 Ex.2: Comparing Models Using a graphing calculator, determine whether a linear, quadratic, or cubic model best fits the values in the table. (0,2.8) (2,5) (4,6) (6,5.5) (8,4) Ex. 3: Word Problem The table shows datd on the number of employees that a small company had from 1975 to 2000. Find a cubic function to model the data. Use it to estimate the number of employees in 1998. (1975,60) (1980,65) (1985,70) (1990,60) (1995,55) (2000,64) |
Accommodations: | different color, visual and verbal explanations and directions, technology |
Checking For Understanding: | -Teacher will ask students to remind him/her how to find a model of data -Teacher will ask student question throughout the lecture to gauge student understanding -Teacher will assign homework to give students practice and to use as assessment |
Closure: | -Teacher gives homework assignment -Teacher reminds students to do calculator problems first if they don't have a graphing calculator -Teacher reminda students to show all work |
Evaluation: | |
Teacher Reflections: |
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