Lesson Plan : Problem Solving With Operations

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Dehan
 Grade 3

 Problem solving using operations.
 Using thinking and problem solving skills to solve problems. Vocabulary: solve, add, subtract, multiply, divide.
 - Work in pairs and discuss different ways to solve problems
 Be able to: solve problems using mathematical representations; add, subtract, multiply, and divide to solve problems
 paper, pencil, coin and bill sets
 - Put students in groups of 2 and have them show ways to make $30.00, given many bills and change. Go around the room and ask each Pair Discussion to give one way they made $30.00 with their bills and change. Students will realize that there are many different ways to make this amount of money.
 - Explain to kids that all of their answers are correct ways to make $30.00. Tell the children that we could go on all day figuring out ways to come up with $30.00.
 - Give students scenario: The school talent show is from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Students have 5 minutes to perform each act. Fifteen minutes have been planned for introductions. How many acts can be in the talent show? Have students Understand - identify the numbers in the problem that are needed to solve the question; Plan - discuss why the order of steps in the plan is important to finding the correct answer; Solve - guide students through each step of the solution.
 - If lesson is too difficult, with some pairs, provide them with problem that is already set up for them, where key words are underlined, plan is written out, blanks for students to figure out and fill in are provided.
Checking For Understanding:
 - Have students participate in Pairs Compare, where pairs discuss with another pair what different and similar ideas each pair came up with to solve the problem. Ask pairs to come up to whiteboard to illustrate/show their work for how they solved the problem. Go around room and ask pairs to explain to the class and teacher their problem solving strategy. Use a checklist to see if each pair understood and showed work/steps thoroughly.
 - Students realize that there are several ways to solve the problem. Teacher reinforces different ways to solve problems - drawing pictures, writing equations, using manipulatives, etc. Each way produces the same answer, just different ways of thinking.
 In evaluating the lesson, I was able to see the measure of progress that the students made. Over the past few days, there were several children who did not understand problem solving because they had to work independently; however, in putting the students in Pair Discussion groups, they were able to generate more thoughts and ideas with 2 heads and were able to figure things out without asking too many questions. Some students were hesitant about working with their partner they were paired with, but in the end, each pair had learned to work together and cooperate. Both the students and I realized that when they were able to work with someone else, they worked more effectively and efficiently.
Teacher Reflections:
 In reflecting on the overall lesson, I feel like this problem solving lesson was successful and enjoyable to the students. Problem solving has proven to be a challenging concept for the class, but it was helpful for the children to work in pairs and generate more ideas about how to solve the problems. The students loved using the play money in the introduction - it really got them interested and having fun! They also learned how to get along with the person they were working with. The class liked the freedom of being able to choose their own method to solving the problems, and especially loved getting to show their work on the board to their classmates. Some things that could have gone better would be to provide the students with their own handouts of the problem, instead of having them copy it down. It would have been more clear and efficient to have the problem in front of them and ready to work. The cooperative learning technique went very smoothly and the kids enjoyed it. The Pair Discussion was also fun for the kids because they got to find a pair of friends and see how they solved their problem and compare answers and work. I was very satisfied with the lesson and would definitely use this type of activity in the future!

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