Lesson Plan : Frequency Tables/Histograms
Teacher Name: | Mrs. Vargas |
Grade: | Grade 9-10 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | Collecting Data |
Content: | Math - Graphs Histogram Frequency Table Tally marks Frequency Horizontal Axis Vertical Axis Intervals |
Goals: | Students will learn to organize data in the form of graphs and tables. Students will learn to interpret data from graphs. |
Objectives: | Organize information in frequency tables. Contruct frequency tables and histograms. Read histograms. |
Materials: | Textbook Overhead Projector Transparencies Dittos/Handouts |
Introduction: | Use the overhead Transparency #1. Students will read the short paragraph. Complete the table on the transparency with the class. List al the letters from A-Z. Make a tally for each letter in the paragraph. Count the marks and record the frequency. |
Development: | Use Transparency #2 to establish and model the steps for making a frequency table. Elicit from students the reason for ordering the data (answer: to simplify interpretation) Stress that tally marks are an efficient way to keep count. Each tally mark is grouped in 5's. Complete the table in Transparency #2. Make sure students notice that the frequency total is the same as the number of data items. Using Transparency #3, indicate to students that when the data contains many different numbers, you can group the data into equal intervals. You will be making a grouped-frequency table for the data. Discuss with students how to set up equal intervals. Model the steps as you complete the table on the Transparency. Use Transparency #4 to explain how to use grouped-frequency data to make a histogram. Model and demonstrate how to draw and label the horizontal and vertical axis, and how to mark the lowest value of each interval on the horizontal axis. Make sure students understand that the bars need to be as wide as the interval and as high as the frequency. Elicit from student a title for the histogram. |
Practice: | Students will complete Questions #9-12 in Part I of the MIU: Olympic Hoops. Teacher will monitor students and provide immediate feedback as they are working on this activity. |
Accommodations: | Students will receive one-on-one help from para. Students will be given additional time as needed. |
Checking For Understanding: | Students will be assessed through classwork product. Students will be assessed through oral questioning Students will be assessed through homework. |
Closure: | Have students summarize the steps to follow when making a frequency table and a histogram. Elicit from them that they can create a histogram from a frequency table. Ask students what other information they can obtain from reading a histogram. (answer: mode and median). |
Evaluation: | Students will be asked to make a frequency table and histogram from a given set of numbers. |
Teacher Reflections: | 1. Was lesson well supported by visuals? 2. Were students actively participating in the lesson? 3. What part of the lesson was the most difficult for students? How can I re-teach this portion of the lesson? |
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