Lesson Plan : Multiplying Binomials with F.O.I.L
Teacher Name: | Dr. S Siddiqui |
Grade: | Grade 11-12 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | Algebraic expressions and various properties |
Content: | Algebra I (b)(4)(B) The student uses the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to simplify algebraic expressions. TAKS 9th Grade Math Objective 2 |
Goals: | To learn the basic concept of algebra and properties like associative, commutative and distributive in and algebraic expression |
Objectives: | The student will learn a procedure for multiplying two binomial expressions and learn the "FOIL" acronym for the procedure. This objective is not to be stated to the class since it is a "discovery lesson". |
Materials: | Overhead projector, Algebra tiles (at least one set to demonstrate on overhead projector). |
Introduction: | The attached problems are posted on the board when students arrive and are to be done as a "warm up". After a few minutes have students volunteer to come to the board and show how they solved each problem. |
Development: | Review the anticipatory set. Hopefully some students solved the addition in the parenthesis and then multiplied, while others distributed the multiplication over the addition expression. If these two different methods were not used by students then ask the class if they can think of alternative methods than the ones shown and try to lead them to a comparison of these two methods. Ask the class if they notice anything about problems 5) and 6) as compared to the first four. The objective is to lead them to the observation that problem 5) is the sum of problems 2) and 3) and problem 6) is the sum of problems 1) and 4). Write out these equalities and show how one expression is being "distributed" over the other, much like the distributive property may have been used in the first four problems. |
Practice: | When multiplying two binomials, multiply the "F"irst terms, then the "O"utside terms, then "I" inside terms, and finally the "L"ast terms. First terms = x * x = x2 Outside terms = x * 2 = 2x Inside terms = 3 * x = 3x Last terms = 3 * 2 = 6 (x + 3)(x + 2) = x2 + 2x + 3x + 6 = x2 +5x + 6 Present the following problems and ask students to explain how they would solve each expression, then work through it with them. If they did not choose to use F.O.I.L. after they solve it their way, use F.O.I.L. and compare the answers and the amount of work involved. ( 2 + 2 ) x ( 3 + 2 ) ( 7 + 6 ) x ( 8 + 3 ) ( 9 - 4) x ( 10 + 2 ) ( 11 - 3 ) x ( 7 - 4 ) ( x + 4 ) x ( x + 3 ) ( x + 6 ) x ( x - 2 ) ( x - 5 ) x ( x - 4 ) ( x - 4) x ( x + 7 ) |
Accommodations: | Use algebra tiles to model the multiplication of two binomials. Show how each part of the product corresponds to a letter of F.O.I.L. |
Checking For Understanding: | Assessment is through informal observations throughout the lesson, and through the grading of the independent practice. |
Closure: | Understanding of various properties and different type of algebraic equations |
Evaluation: | Challenge students to describe the process for multiplying a binomial and a trinomial, or two trinomials. |
Teacher Reflections: |
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