Lesson Plan : Surfing Mathematics
Teacher Name: | Frank McGrade |
Grade: | Grade 9-10 |
Subject: | Math |
Topic: | The topic of this lesson is mathematical websites on the internet. |
Content: | The mathematical subject matter covered in this lesson is a review of chapters taught to this point. Also covered in this lesson are websites, search enginges and search engines tools. |
Goals: | Students will learn how to locate mathematical websites using internet search engines and summarize the material covered on the website. (ELA Standards 1 & 3, NETS Standards 1, 3 & 5) |
Objectives: | Given a specific topic, a student will locate 4 websites related to that topic in 90% of his/her searches. Given a list of 10 possible search phrases, students pick the best wording 9 out of 10 times. Given a list of 10 possible search phrases, students will change inappropriate phrases to more successful ones with 85% accuracy. |
Materials: | textbook, internet access, HTML language review book, computer lab access, labtop/desktop computer with a/v hookup. |
Introduction: | Using a computer with a/v hookup, students will observe as the teacher opens www.coolmath.com. Each student goes to the website on his/her own computer and students and teacher navigate the site. Everyone then clicks on the link for kids, then the link for games, and then tower of Hanoi and play the game with 4 disks. This introduces students to what is available mathematically on the internet. |
Development: | (Direct Instruction) Students will watch as the teacher demonstrates techniques on how to conduct an internet search. For this lesson, students may use www.ask.com, www.yahoo.com or www. Google.com. The teacher explains the tips for successful searching. The teacher will go to each search engine and click on the links for search tips. Students will continue to observe as the teacher demonstrates how to use the tips given. The teacher will conduct searches of the same topic using different word phrases and formats to demonstrate to students the usefulness of the search tips. |
Practice: | Students will be assigned a number 1-8. Each number will represent a general topic that relates to a chapter covered thus far in the text. These topics include: The Real Numbers and Signed Numbers, Solving Word Problems, Algebraic Expressions, Mathematical Reasoning including Truth Tables, Solving Algebraic Equations, Geometry, Ratios and Proportions and Probabilities. Students must perform 4 internet searches for their given topic using 4 different phrases and search tools. From each search, students must find a unique website that relates to the topic they were given. At the conclusion of this exercises, students will share their results with the class. |
Accommodations: | One student is this particular class is an ESL student who still struggles with the english language. This student can conduct his searches in spanish and design his web pages in spanish. He will participate in a seperate assignment with a spanish teacher who will help him translate his webpage to english. This student is given extra time for his english web page. |
Checking For Understanding: | Students will give feedback in a discussion format prior to the closure portion of the lesson. Students will be given a worksheet with 10 search phrases. Students must pick out the phrases they believe will be succesful and change the other phrases to more appropriate ones. |
Closure: | The teacher will quickly review the search tips listed and also review basic HTML tags which had been taught in a prior lesson and which are necessary for the independent practice. |
Evaluation: | The website will be used to evaluate student performance on this topic. The website development will be graded based on the following criteria: Appropriateness of the links, uniqueness, proper HTML language, strength of the relationship between the website and the topic, proper spelling and use of language, and how well the summary relates to the material covered in the site. A rubric will be used to evaluate the website based on the above criteria. |
Teacher Reflections: |
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