Lesson Plan : Summarizing Using Power Point

Teacher Name:
 Jeffrey Knight
 Grade 6
 Literature Activities

 Expressing Literary Ideas with Technology (EDITED) (14)
 In this lesson students will combine the subjects of ELA and technology by learning how to navigate the world wide web and using a search engine for research. They will become familiar with the operations of Microsoft Power Point, in order to make a presentation and communicate ideas. Some key vocabulary terms students will become familiar with in this lesson: search engine,URL, toolbar, pane,, browser thumbnail synopsis, bullet points, clip art
 IRA Standards for students: Standard 8: Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g. databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information to create and communicate knowledge. Standard 12: Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their purposes (e.g. for learning, enjoyment, persuassion, and the exchange of ideas). New York State Education Department Standards for students: Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation. They will present opinions and judgements on experiences, ideas and issues clearly, logically, and persuasivly with reference to specific criteria on which the opinion or judgement is based. NETS Standards for students: Standard 4: Technology communication tools: Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. Standard 5: Technology research tools: Students use technology to locate evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
 Given the book "Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbit, students will outline the book and explain the meaning of the story in one paragraph. IRA standard 12, NYSED standard 2. 2. Given a computer with Internet access, students will use a search engine to research information on the author Natalie Babbit and the book "Tuck Everlasting", discovering at least one notion that inspired Natalie Babbit to write "Tuck Everlasting". 3. Given Microsoft Power Point and their own research, students will create a slide show presentation summarizing the book "Tuck Everlasting". It should include an explanation of the story's meaning and at least one reference to the author's inspiration for the story. The presentation should be at least 8 slides long.
 Babbit, N. (1985). Tuck Everlasting. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Computer with Internet access, Microsoft Power Point, Online power point tutorial found at http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech013.shtml, Microsoft Power Point tutorial retrieved from: http://www.microsoft.com/education/DOWNLOADS/TUTORIALS/online/ powerpoint 2002.doc, Any short story
 Review: The teacher will review the story Tuck Everlasting that was previously completed as a class reading assignment. Motivation: The students will gather around the computer station and view a brief five slide Power Point presentation that includes graphics and sounds on a book the class is familiar with. The teacher will tell the students, "There are many ways to present and express information to others and mke it excitng. With this lesson you are going to learn how to create a Power Point presentation on the book we just finished reading."
 The students will be given a sheet with an outline format. The teacher will go over how to outline material by demonstrating on the board the steps involved. A short story the students are familiar with will be used as an example and the students will be asked to identify the main themes in the story as well as evidence that support these themes. The teacher will write their answers on the board in an outline form. The students will gather around the computer station while the teacher explains that we are going to look for infomation on the Internet about different topics. The students will be introduced to the terms: search engine, browser, and URL. The students will suggest some topics. The teacher will demonstrate how to use a search engine by typing in the topics and choosing pertinent information from the web sites that come up. The students will be given vocabulary words and terms as follows: toolbar, pane, thumbnail, synopsis, bulletpoints, clip art The teacher will explain to them that they are going to learn to use the software Microsoft Power Point to create a presentation. They will gather around the computer station and go over the steps in creating a presentation on Microsoft Power Point using a tutorial retrieved from www.microsoft.com/education/DOWNLOADS/tutorials/online/ powerpoint2002.doc as a reference. The students will watch an online Power Point presentation at http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech013shtml.The teacher will then demonstrate using Power Point by creating a three slide presentation about our class using and explaining the vocabulary terms that are on their sheets.
 The class will be divided into three groups and each group will be given a short story to outline using the format that was given to them. They will list the themes present in the story and back these up with supporting examples. After the students outline the story they will write a summary of it based on the outline. The teacher will monitor each group and assist when necessary. 2. I will divide the class up into three groups and each group will have their own computer station. I will give each group a list of four authors to research on the Internet using a search engine. The groups will then have to make an outline of the information they find for each author. I will monitor each group and assist when necessary. 3. Using the same groups, I will have each group choose from among their list of authors, one to create a three slide Power Point presentation on. The slides should include sounds, and animated text, and the information used should come from the outlines they developed from their Internet research. I will supply a copy of the Power Point tutorial used in the whole group lesson to each group. I will monitor each group and provide assistance when necessary.
 Provide on going assessment in the form of questioning to determine those needing more support. Make groupings flexible to account for learning styles and readiness. Distribute printed versions of the online Power Point tutotrial to supplement the Microsoft Power Point tutorial. This will assist those more inclined to visual learning. For those students with learning disabilities, offer to them a movie or their favorite television show to outline instead of a short story. Give the gifted students extra take home research assignments to do on the computer.
Checking For Understanding:
 The students will write a reflective paragraph on what they learned at the end of each class session for the course of this lesson.
 At the end of the lesson I will ask the students to explain some of the important concepts that they gained from this project.
 The teacher will evaluate this lesson with a rubric that will evaluate technology understanding, creativity, and the ability to summarize material.
Teacher Reflections:
 Did I challenge the students in this lesson? Did I accommodate students who needed more help? Was this an interesting and enjoyable lesson for the students? What will I do next class to improve upon this one? What worked in this lesson?

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