Lesson Plan : Holes, Cause and Effect

Teacher Name:
 Samantha Smith
 Grade 5
 Language Arts

 Chain Reactions Cause and Effect
 Holes by Louis Sachar
 LA. The student will identify cause-and-effect relationships in text LA. The student will identify the text structure an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, sequence of events) and explain how it impacts meaning in text
 Given significant events from a story, the students will be able to construct a chain of events using cause and effect.
 Copy of the book Holes (1 per student) 1 computer per pair of students 1 printer Construction paper, scissors, glue, and markers/pens
 Upon completion of reading the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the teacher will review the concept of cause and effect. The teacher will explain that in the book, a series of events, both causes and effects, led to Stanley Yelnats escaping from Camp Green Lake.
 As a class, the teacher will guide the students in recalling events, both their causes and effects, from the story. She/he will record the information in a t-chart on the board.
 In partners, students will then come up with five events that they believe had the most impact on Stanley's escape from Camp Green Lake. For this part of the assignment, students will be allowed access to the following websites to look for pictures of their significant events: www.holes.com, www.imdb.com/title/tt0311289/
 The use of pictures to show the events is a natural accommodation for the activity. Also, students get to work in pairs. Those students who are struggling in any way may be paired with someone who is excelling in language arts. Other students may be provided a t-chart that they simply need to fill in, in order to guide them.
Checking For Understanding:
 The assessment will include five concepts and students will be graded one to ten on each concept: 1. The cause and effect events make sense. 2. The events are in chronological order. 3. The events led to (occurred before) Stanley's escape. 4. The students work together, both contributing. 5. They follow the directions for computer use appropriately.
 Students will present their sequence of events to the class.
Teacher Reflections:

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