Lesson Plan : Grammar and Verb Agreement

Teacher Name:
 Ms. B
 Grade 9-10
 Language Arts

 Subject/Verb Agreement Sentence Fragments Dialogue Usage
 Students will be able to identify and write complete sentences using dialogue and correct subject/verb agreement.
 Identify the singular and plural subjects and verbs in sentences. Edit sentences for correct subject/verb agreement and use complete sentences. Use dialogue correctly in sentences.
 Grammar PowerPoint Lesson 30 copies of The Princess Bride Grammar Practice worksheet computer 30 copies of Grammar Cheat Sheet
 Today we're going to talk about subject/verb agreement. This is really important because writing well helps you establish your credibility. In other words, people are more willing to take you seriously when you can write well and they can understand what you write. (Review the objectives on the PowerPoint.)
 Teach the lesson using the PowerPoint presentation. Review what a subject is and explain how to identify the subject of a sentence. Practice identifying subjects in the sentences on the PowerPoint as a class. Introduce the rules for subject/verb agreement. Review the difference between singular and plural subjects and verbs. Show students the lists of tricky words that are considered singular. Then show students some subjects that can be both singular and plural. Show students how to determine if a subject is singular or plural when the subject is a portion of something. Remind them to look at the noun the portion refers to. Explain the rule for subject/verb agreement. Singular subjects take singular verbs and plural subjects take plural verbs. Use S+S+S to help students remember that singular subjects usually use the verb stem + S. Review singular and plural helping verbs. As a class, review practice sentences identifying the subject and determining if it is singular or plural. Discuss complete and incomplete sentences. Explain the difference between dependent and independent clauses. Show them how to identify dependent clauses with clue words. Practice sentences on the PowerPoint as a class. Have students determine if the sentences are complete or incomplete and explain why. Discuss correct dialogue usage. Explain the difference between a direct and indirect quote. Have students identify if the practice quotes on the PowerPoint are direct or indirect quotes and have them justify their answer. Explain rules of punctuation. Explain that a new line should be started when a new person speaks so that readers know who is speaking.
 Students have practiced with the teacher during the lesson with examples in the PowerPoint.
 Handouts of notes have been given to all students, even though only one student requires this.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students should turn in worksheet packets when finished. Post assessment quiz will be given the last five minutes of class.
 Ask students these questions to wrap up. Provide further explanation if students do not understand or answer correctly. What is the rule for subject/verb agreement? What is a direct quote? An indirect quote? What words indicate a dependent clause?
Teacher Reflections:

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