Lesson Plan : Grammar and Sentence Structure

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Buettner
 Grade 9-10
 Language Arts

 Sentence Structure
 Students should be able to write a more interesting variety of sentences using different sentence structures.
 Students will identify and explain different parts of a sentence. Students will use the different parts of a sentence to construct simple, compound and compound-complex sentences. Students will identify and differentiate between dependent and independent clauses. Students will construct sentences using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and dependent markers. Students will identify and correct sentence fragments to create a correct form of the sentence drawing on their prior knowledge from the previous lessons, and using knowledge from today's lesson. Students will use the correct punctuation for each type of sentence and clause. TEKS:
 30 SQ3R handouts ELMO lists of dependent word markers, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions textbook
 Sentence fragments and sentences with incorrect conjunctions or improper construction will be displayed on the ELMO. Each incorrectly constructed sentence will serve as a caption underneath a picture or cartoon. Sentences will be inteded for hte reader to infer meaning from the cartoon; however, sentences will be incorrectly constructed so that they coney a meaning inconsistent with the picture, or they imply two different meanings of the cartoons. As a class, discuss why these are unclear sentences and why they are incorrect. Explain that today we will learn how to construct more interesting sentences the proper way so that meaning is clear and properly implied.
 have students open their textbooks and fill out their SQ3R handouts by looking at the textbook headings and activities. After students finish, have them share their questions. TEacher will use student generated questions from their SQ3Rs to guide lesson and teach sentence structure. This will also help students learn how to grasp main ideas and monitor their reading and thinking. Provide "Cheat Sheet" lists of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Explain the differences in usage with dependent and independent clauses. Teacher will use ELMO to teach the four different sentence structures, as well as the components of each. Students will have a handout with one example of each of the four sentence structures. Students should label each part of each sentence structure during the lecture. Will work/review as a class. Students will fill in web maps, listing components of sentence structures, clauses and dependent word markers.
 Put students into groups. Students will decide their roles. Each group should come up with one example of each kind of sentence structure. Students are responsible for including each component of the sentence structure in their sentences, such as subordinating conjunctions, dependent clauses, correct punctuation, etc. One student from each group will write their sentences on the whiteboard.Discuss and review the components of each sentence structure. Explain how the sentence adheres to the rules for the particular sentence structure.
 ESL/Special Needs-Students are in groups, which gives students the support they need to understand and get further explanation from peers or through observation. Students get practice on English sentence structure. ESL students' paragraphs can be written at their level of English proficiency, as long as their sentences demonstrate their understanding. Web maps illustrate parts of each sentence structure visually. Students of poverty-Group work and social interaction stimulate procedural memory. G/T-These students can write at their ability level, since this activity is more of a synthesis activity than a factual recall of information.
Checking For Understanding:
 Exit Slip Students are to write three criteria for a compound sentence, then write their own compound sentence using those criteria. Students write names on exit slips and turn in to their class period's basket. Homework: Finish paragraph.
 We will use everything we learned this week to edit and revise our autobiographies next week.
Teacher Reflections:

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