Lesson Plan : Poetry in Action
Teacher Name: | Ronn Kakazu |
Grade: | Grade 6 |
Subject: | Language Arts |
Topic: | Poetry |
Content: | Poetic Devices, Types of Poems, Poetry Analysis, Poetry Writing |
Goals: | Students will increase their understanding of poetry, and become poets themselves |
Objectives: | 1. Define key poetic devices 2. Identify a variety of poem types 3. Memorize a famous poem 4. Analyze poems for meaning and content 5. Create a portfolio of poetry 6. Present poetic knowledge for a class poetry night |
Materials: | Poetry for Young People Books, Sample Poems, LCD/Overhead Projector, Internet |
Introduction: | Discuss manners at the dinner table. Have students list manners. Bring in examples to show proper etiquette. Bring out another set of dining ware. Mix things around, make weird combinations of foods, and experiment. Explain to them that sometimes writing has definite rules, and sometimes it is much less defined. Introduce the term poetry. Explain to them that over the next few weeks, they will get to play with their food--and even show their parents! |
Development: | The following topics will be covered in this unit: 1. What is a Poem? (Powerpoint & Lecture) 2. Poetic Devices (Powerpoint) 3. Types of Poems (Handout) 4. Famous Poets (Poetry for Young People & Internet) |
Practice: | The following guided activities will be presented: 1. Magnetic Poetry Activity 2. Simile and Metaphor Hunt 3. Group Limericks, Haikus, Cinquains 4. Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance Scattergories 5. Rhyme & Repetition Game 6. Poetry Jeopardy 7. Poetry Recitation Practice 8. Class Sonnet |
Accommodations: | 1. Make electronic dictionary or computer available 2. Allow students to type out poems, utilizing spell check, thesaurus, etc. 3. Show flexibility in the length of the memorized poem 4. Reduce rhyme requirements if necessary for dyslexic students |
Checking For Understanding: | 1. Unit Test: Graded by Teacher 2. Poetry Portfolio: Teacher and Student Rubrics 3. Poetry Night Presentation: Teacher and Student Rubrics 4. Poetic Device Quiz |
Closure: | Close with a class discussion about poetry night, give students a survey, and write reflection journals. Challenge students to continue to write poetry throughout the year. |
Evaluation: | 1. Student Reflection Journal 2. Portfolio Review 3. Student Survey |
Teacher Reflections: | 1. Analyze Test 2. Parent Survey for Poetry Night Feedback 3. Reflection Journal after Unit |
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