Lesson Plan : Sentence Sequencing/#15/Pennies

Teacher Name:
 Tricia Koning
 Language Arts

 Sentence Sequencing The number 15 Pennies
 -Students will count,cut out and glue 15 (paper) pennies into their piggy bank worksheet -Students will cut out words in a sentence strip, place them in the correct order and glue them onto their worksheet
 -piggy bank worksheets (construction paper piggy bank glued to construction paper on one side, bank lifts up to reveal 15 dots underneath) -15 paper pennies per student -sentence strip with I have fifteen pennies in my piggy bank. -scissors -glue
 -show worksheet to students and read the front of the piggy bank _____________'s piggy bank -tell students that they will write their name on that line -lift up the piggy bank to reveal 15 dots -count dots together with students -ask students which Canadian coin we have been working on (penny) -tell students that we are going to cut out and glue 15 paper pennies inside their piggy bank
 -demonstrate how to cut out and glue pennies -prompt "what do I have in my piggy bank?", students answer "I have fifteen pennies....." -tell students that the next step will be to add a sentence to the bottom of the worksheet -read sentence strip to children 'I have fifteen pennies in my piggy bank' -uh oh their sentence strip is mixed up what are they going to do -model how students will cut out the words, sound them out and put them in the proper order-then glue them on the bottom of their worksheet
 -students will work in groups of six with teacher support and a correct sentence strip visible for reference
 -modelling of activity -cross curricular activity (math and language) -small group with teacher support -sentence strip visible for reference
Checking For Understanding:
 -ask students if they understand the activity -anecdotal notes and observations -activity sheet, is sentence sequence correct? are 15 pennies in the bank?
Teacher Reflections:
 Make sure to get the pennies a week ahead at least. I found myself scrambling to make sure I had all the supplies that were needed.

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