Lesson Plan : "Passports-Travelling Back In Time

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Black
 Grade 7-8
 Language Arts

 Pre-Reading Activity for our next novel, The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen
 Create a type of "graphic organizer" to write answers to pre-reading questions. Key Words: Passport, Haggadah, Passover, Seder, Four Questions
 For students to learn and explore certain internet websites and realize the capabilities to find out answers you do not know from previous experience. To examine and analyze a culture and traditions that many are unfamiliar with in their own lives.
 The Learner Will: be introduced The Devil's Arithmetic with a pre-reading activity and analyze their vocabulary words and the Passport Questions in relation to The Devil's Arithmetic.
 Personal passport; The Devil's Arithmetic; Internet: two websites- one with the Passport Questions, the other with the research required answers; crayons, markers, colored pencils, and bright colored paper.
 Ask students how many of them have their own personal passports or know someone who does have one. Ask them why someone would need a passport and what it represents. Show them my own passport.
 Explain to the students that we are going to make our own "Passports" for our reading of The Devil's Arithmetic. Distribute 2-3 sheets of colored paper to be folded like a book and stapled. Show students how to fold their papers like the example. On the front page include the word "Passport" written in large letters along with "The United States of America." Staple the pages together and explain that in a moment we will be writing out 10 questions to later find the answers for them. Students may take 3-5 minutes to decorate their passport.
 I will put the printed out version of the questions on our overhead. Students will copy down questions #1 and #2 then stop. We will answer both of these questions through the websites I have pulled up. I will explore the websites with the students watching. I will guide them to the correct answers for questions #1 and #2. From there, we will move in to copying the remainder of the ten questions leaving space between each one.
 Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (for the learners selected to use the laptop/ Smart Board)
Checking For Understanding:
 Student work products as I monitor the room. Student questions and responses. Nonverbal cues.
 Ask the class how many of these questions did they know the answer to before class started. Go around the room and have each student say one new thing they learned about the Jewish traditions
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