Lesson Plan : Sentence Structure

Teacher Name:
 Tricia Koning
 Grade 1
 Language Arts

 -Students will begin to understand that a sentence has to make sense i.e. it has to be a whole idea, not just part of one -Students will identify errors in sentences including sequencing, incorrect punctuation and capitalization and incomplete sentences -Students will use word cards to form a sentence (group activity) and begin to recognize and correct errors -Students will write their own complete sentence in response to a block castle they built in a prior geometry lesson
 -chart paper & markers -pocket chart and word cards -worksheets with a picture of students and their castle attatched -pencils
 -Remind students of prior lesson when we talked about sentences and made silly sentences with our word cards -Refer back to chart paper for student generated ideas surrounding sentences -Today we are going to talk more about how to write a proper sentence and make some more 'silly' sentences
 -On chart paper have a few sentences written with a variety of errors ex. sequencing, spacing, punctuation, capitalization, incomplete thoughts -Tell students that they are going to be the teacher and correct my sentences
 -Interactive activity as students they correct my sentence mistakes -Move on to activity where students take turns choosing a card to form a silly sentence, adjusting and correcting as needed -Do one or two and remind them that they can come make up their own sentences later during centre time
 -interactive activity -visual picture cards -sentence starters will be helpful to some students -small group for students who need one on one assistance
Checking For Understanding:
 -observe for comprehension during interactive sentence correcting and creating -observe worksheets for transfer of lesson topics discussed to students work
 -display photo worksheets in classroom
Teacher Reflections:

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