Lesson Plan : "invisible you"

Teacher Name:
 D. Lewis
 Grade 5
 Language Arts

 Recognizing "invisible you" as the subject of a sentence when the subject is not in a written word
 1. Review of 3 end marks, 4 types of sentences, identifying subjects/predicates for proof of complete sentences (WC4,5) 2. Reading/folowing directions-written and oral (RP 1) 3. Reading to self/oral (RP1) 4. Making inferences based on context clues (power stand. RP5, WC4,5) 5. Answering questions based on lesson using text on Promethian (power stand. RP7) 6. Students share own written work orally with expression. (day 2)
 1. Review what was taught/learned about complete sentences vs. fragments before a week break of testing 2. Intro the concept of "invisible/assumed YOU" to understand a subject is actually there, but it is not in the written word 3. Provide examples of practice in single sentences. 4. Transfer the information to understand that a sentence can still be complete without the subject written 5. Identify this concept in examples taken from text in story form 6. Sharing student generated examples of "invisible you" (day 2)
 1. Provide guided review of prviously taught information about complete sentences by engaging whole class with prompting questions. 2. Provide a worksheet with completed sentences to see if they can identify subjects/predicates for proof of complete sentence. 3. Using "reverse handraise" students will read sentences and respond to splitting the sentence into subject and predicate to prove it is a complete sentence. This will allow to check for understanding -guide if needed 4. Students will be introduced to "invisible you"...the concept that a sentence can be a complete sentence if the subject is not visibly there by focusing on the command type of sentence-both soft and hard 5. Provide examples to show how a sentence can actually have only one word 5. Using the Promethian board, students will be shown a samples of text from a book we have read to read and identify sentences with "invisible you" 6. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of "invisible you" through assigned written work by generating 5 soft commands, 5 hard commands and share (day 2) a few self selected commands to share with the class. 7. Provide extension of this lesson by requiring students to sight examples of "invisible you" in reader's notebooks in their future independent reading
 white board, different colored markers, resource worksheet, Promethian board/ActivStudio/teacher geberated flipchart of book text, notebook paper , pencil
Checking For Understanding:
 Evaluation will be based on completed work worth 10 pts. - Following directions of 10 complete command sentences (5 soft-using periods, 5 hard using exclamation marks). Sharing in class will be evaluated on willingness to participate and reading soft/hard commands with appropriate espression
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