Lesson Plan : Setting the Standards

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Waters
 Grade 9-10
 Language Arts

 Overview of the ELA standards for high school
 SC ElA Standards- 1) Accountability 2) Expectations
 TSWBAT: 1) Obtain and understand the purpose of the ELA standards 2) Set academic Goals based on previous MAP test scores
 Students will participate in a whole class discussion/Q&A about standards and expectations of me and themselves Students will complete an Exit Slip and Quick-write reflection response about discussion
 LCD, Laptop, web connect to website to access You Tube video Student copies of standards, MAP scores, and Academic goal sheets Exit Slips and reflection sheets
 Introduce the Shane Sparks video and explain its purpose. Connect setting standards for learning to learning the standards.
 Model setting academic goals using an anonymous MAP score sheet.
 Pass out MAP scores to individual students as well as the academic goal sheets Together fill out the MAP goals sheet.
 Provide a modified goals sheets for students with special needs. Use the overhead for visual learners and microphone for auditory learners.
Checking For Understanding:
 Review academic Goals sheet Open floor for questions and pass out Exit Slips for students to complete at the end of class. Collect Exit Slips
 Post Shane Sparks' quote on the overhead and challenge students to strive for that high standard in this class. Have students have their parents complete the Parent Expectations Survey and sign their goals sheet.
 Read Exit Slips and reflections to ensure students understand my expectations for the class. Read returned Parent surveys and signed goals sheets.
Teacher Reflections:

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