Lesson Plan : Personal Narrative

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Stancliff
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Imagine you were walking outside and you saw a huge tree. When you got closer, you noticed there was a small door in the side of the tree. You opened the door. Write a story about what happened the time you saw a huge tree and opened the door.
 Imaginative Narrative
 GOAL 1: Develop and apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. GOAL 3: Make connections through the use of oral and written language and media and technology. GOAL 4: Apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts. GOAL 5: Apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.
 TLW demonstrate writing by composing a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic with specific, relevant, supporting details by using preliminary plans
 Pencil & paper, Overhead Projector, Computer/word processor program.
 The class will create an imaginative narrative over the course of a week. There will be several steps to consider in writing the essay. Each step will be guided by the teacher and then practiced by the student. The student will then revise/edit the essay and create the final draft on the computer using a word processing program.
 Day 1 - Beginning Paragraph Step 1 - Identify the characters, setting, and plot of the story. Demonstrate by showing the students how to come up with information by using the topic of the story. Step 2 - The teacher will discuss with the class the importance of the opening paragraph. Each beginning sentence must "hook" the readers attention in order for the reader to continue reading. Step 3 -Demonstrate by reading a variety of books with different opening sentences. Demonstrate the beginning of the paragraph using one of the "hooks" brainstormed by the students. Write the beginning sentence on the overhead. Step 4 - Continue to demonstrate the focus of the essay by showing the students how to introduce the story in the first paragraph.
 Step 1 - Have the students come up with their own characters, setting, and plot for their story. Step 2 - Have the students brainstorm different openings. Write them down using the overhead projector. Step 3 - Have the students then write their sentence and presenting it, voluntarily, to the class. Let the kids know ahead of time that you will be making suggestions on how to make their sentence better. Step 4 - Practice writing the introduction and then presenting it to the class. Suggestions will be made to make the beginning of the story better.
 As the students are writing their own paragraphs, the teacher will circulate the room to speak with each student and help guide the student in the right direction.
Checking For Understanding:
 As the students are presenting their stories, suggestions will be made to make the story more interesting and staying on focus.
 Have the students read what they have rewritten to the class.
 A rubric will be used to grade each paper. Each student will be taught how to use the rubric to grade themselves then turn the essay in to the teacher to grade.
Teacher Reflections:
 With the use of the rubric, a grade will be give to each of the students. This is when the teacher will truly know if the student understands imaginative narrative writing. Plans to conference with each of the students will be necessary to discuss with them how to make changes in their writing.

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