Lesson Plan : Target Audience in Advertising

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Crandall
 Grade 7-8
 Language Arts

 Making Inferences: Target Audiences in Advertising
 Making Inferences: Target Audiences in Advertising
 SWBAT make inferences about television commercials and explain in writing the thought process behind these inferences.
 Students will complete a graphic organizer and write a paragraph describing how they came to the conclusion of which target audience a given television commercial was designed for.
 Class/student computers, website www.retrojunk.com,
 Do-Now: (write, pair, share) What is the best T.V. commercial you have ever seen? Did it make you want to buy the product it was advertising? Why or why not?
 Intro to New Material: � Review Do-Now responses � Intro key concept: target audience in advertising � Intro key skill: making inferences � Think aloud: teacher plays ad, models inference-making process (what I see+ what I know), completes chart on board.
 Guided Practice: � Students are given a copy of �Advertising Inferences� worksheet � Teacher plays 2 more commercials, soliciting student input � Students and teacher complete 2 sections of the worksheet together � Teacher plays 2 more commercials and students work with their group to complete 2 sections of the worksheet.
 Adaptations for Students with Special Needs: � Visually impaired students will be provided with ads in which the soundtrack alone is sufficient material to make inferences about the target audience. Alternately, the visual aspects of the ads can be narrated to them. � Hearing impaired students will be provided with ads in which the visual aspect alone is sufficient material to make inferences about the target audience. Alternately, the soundtrack can be written or signed for them. � Students who have difficulty expressing themselves in writing may respond to the worksheet questions orally. � ELL students who are not able to understand enough of the ads to make inferences about the target audience will be given an alternate assignment to complete in which they list things and people they see in the ad and make inferences about what the ad is for. They may respond orally if necessary. � Students who have difficulty working with others may work independently or with the teacher during the group portion of the guided practice and may be exempt from pairing and sharing during the Do-Now.
Checking For Understanding:
 Technology Extension: � If a class set of computers is available, students can also explore www.retrojunk.com in groups or independently in the guided and independent practice portions of the lesson. Writing Extension: � Students can write an essay on the components of an effective commercial.
 Homework: � Students will be asked to do one of the following things: o Watch a television commercial at home o Find an ad in a newspaper or magazine o Find an ad online using a school computer or one at home They will write one paragraph describing the ad, making an inference about who the target audience is, and explaining why they think this
 Students will be asked to do one of the following things: o Watch a television commercial at home o Find an ad in a newspaper or magazine o Find an ad online using a school computer or one at home They will write one paragraph describing the ad, making an inference about who the target audience is, and explaining why they think this
Teacher Reflections:
 Was this an effective lesson? Did students master the skill? How could the lesson be improved?

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