Lesson Plan : Direct Definition Context Clues

Teacher Name:
 Grade 6
 Language Arts

 Direct Definition Context Clues
 Context Clues are words that say, �Stop don�t touch that dictionary. The definition of the word you don�t know is right here in the text!�
 Students will be able to: 1. Use context clues and text structures to determine the meaning of unknown vocabulary.
 50 copies of practice sheets 3/4 via: http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palmasola/contextbb3_5.htm
 Students will enter stop sign context clue vocabulary words into their academic notebooks. Context Clues Stop Signs for Bulletin Board: Definition of Context Clues/Is/Are/Was/Were/Means/Such As/,Or/Is Called/Are Called/Is Known As/ Are Known As How to Use Context Clues ♦ If the context clue is one of the following: is, are, was, were, or,such as, or means, the definition will be found AFTER the word and the context clue. ♦ If the context clue is: are known as, is known as, is called, or are called, the definition will be in FRONT of the word you need to know the meaning of. Day 2: Class will discuss: "What are some examples of context clues discussed yesterday?"The teacher will present the lesson by explaining to the students that they will be detectives looking for context clues.
 �A mammoth was an elephant that lived during the Ice Ages. The Ice Ages were times when much of the Earth was covered with snow and ice. A mammoth looked like a huge, hairy elephant. It had tusks that were very long and curled up at the ends. Mammoths had long, shaggy hair to help keep them warm.� Model the think aloud strategy: �I don�t know what a mammoth is. I�m going to look at the sentence that says, A mammoth was an elephant that lived during the Ice Ages. Mammoth is the word I want to know the meaning of. It has was right after it. Was is a context clue, or word that says a definition is coming up. I�m going to look at the words that are after was. They say �an elephant that lived during the Ice Ages.� Therefore, a mammoth must be an elephant that lived during the ice ages.� 2. Introduce: Shared Reading: (Prior to the lesson choose pages in Science or Social Studies text that you are currently studying that have several definitions signaled by direct definition context clues.) Ask students to open their books to the first page you have chosen. Tell them that you will read the page aloud to them and that their job will be to watch and listen for word definitions signaled by the context clues you have chosen. Ask them to raise their hands when they hear/see one. After identifying several, ask students to model their thinking aloud for you, as you did for them.
 Day 1 Shared Reading: Students will open their books to the first page I have chosen. Next I will read the page aloud to them and that their job will be to watch and listen for word definitions signaled by the context clues I have chosen. Ask them to raise their hands when they hear/see one. After identifying several, ask students to model their thinking aloud for you, as you did for them.
 Mixed-ability pairing (high/low): allow students to learn from one another.
Checking For Understanding:
 The students will be given a handout with sentences they will have to identify the context clue in each sentence. The work will be peer checked and turned in to the teacher. http://www.manatee.k12.fl.us/sites/elementary/palmasola/contextbb3_5.htm
 Day 1: Call/response: Who can tell me what a context clue is? Name one of the context clues. What is going to be after the context clue? Day 2: Inform students that determining the meaning of a word through a context clue is an easy way to help with comprehension. If a student is able to create context clues in his or her writing, identifying context clues in an author�s writing will be simple. This skill can be especially helpful while reading science and social studies texts.
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