Lesson Plan : Report Form: Unlocking key facts

Teacher Name:
 Andrea Hanna
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Report Form: Unlocking key facts
 Reading for factual information
 Students will learn a process for gathering and organizing factual information from reports using a specific technique called Report Form.
 1. Students will review steps 1 and 2 for unlocking key facts. 2. Students will participate and learn steps 3 and 4 for unlocking key facts.
 overhead projector, transparencies for "With a Travelling House" , student copies of story with think strip, cardboard keys, burlap, report skeleton, plastic human skeleton, sentence strips with steps listed on them by number.
 1. Discuss the process/purpose of report form. 2. Compare human skeleton to report form skeleton. 3. Review definition of subject with hand motions: The subject names the person, place or thing the entire report gives us facts about. 4. Review steps for pulling out subject (skim, read to prove, understand title) on sentence strips. 5. Review defin. of key facts using large keys & motions: Key facts unlock the most important points about the subject in the report.
 1. Using sentence strips, read and skywrite step 1: Trace around indentations and down margins to predict the number of key facts. 2. Read and skywrite step 2: Number the key facts with Roman Numerals. 3. Hand out copies of "With a A Travelling House" to students and place transparency on overhead. 4. Do steps 1 and 2 for this story. 5. Teach step 3 w/ motion: Highlight the most important facts (nuggets)that point to the key fact for first paragraph. Mark each fact sequentially with capital letters. Write letter on think strip; label/code information on think strip. Read over think strip together to determine what the facts point to (snail's shell or house). 6.Teach step 4 w/ motion: Write the word "shell" or "house" on the key with Roman Numeral one and box in the word "house" the first time it appears in the paragraph. 7. Develop the Key fact statement with the students, using the key fact and and labels. The Key fact statement tells the main point of the paragraph (main idea).
 Do guided practice with paragraphs 2 and 3 if there is time.
Checking For Understanding:
 Today we learned the 4 steps for Unlocking Key Facts in Reports. They are: summarize all 4 steps for Unlocking Key Facts by reading over the sentence strips and using motions.
 What will we use this process for? gathering and organizing factual information from reports
Teacher Reflections:

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