Lesson Plan : Key into Owls

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Blocker
 Grade 3

 Finding information about owls in print encyclopedias and online encyclopedias
 Subject matter : owls, birds of prey, preditors, food chain Key vocabulary : Keywords, keyword searches, encyclopedia, volume, guidewords, URL, online access, hits, links.
 1--understand keywords and keyword searching 2--know where the encyclopedias are located in the LMC 3--know how to look up a subject in the encylopedia and find information needed 4--know how to access an online encyclopedia and find information needed
 1--Students will ask questions about owls' features and life functions 2--Students will communicate present knowledge and unknown data about owls 3--Students will identify location of encyclopedias 4--Students will demonstrate how to access information from print and nonprint encyclopedias in order to answer questions about owls 5--Students will locate correct volume of encyclopedia for selected topics and locate relevant information for that topic 6--Students will give credit to sources of information (citation) 7--Students will access online encyclopedias from bookmarked URLs and follow school technology guidelines in locating information 8--Students will successfully follow links to locate relevant information for the given topic 9--Students will compare print to nonprint encyclopedias 10--Students will demonstrate the ability to work in pairs and in a group to communicate information
 Computer lab with a computer for each student ; sets of encyclopedias ; worksheets, paper, and pencils; wall charts for mindmapping
 Session 1: create a KWL chart on owls. Discuss what the students need to know about owls in order to successfully do the experiment on owl pellets and write their final owl report for the teacher.
 Session 2: Where do we go to find information on animals such as birds of prey? How do we get that information? How do we use an encyclopedia? Use a mindmapping chart and write down the ideas the students present. Compile suggestions for a definition of encyclopedia. Write on the chart the definitions of encyclopedia, volume, keywords, and keyword searching. Worksheet with keywords and a picture of a set of encyclopedia volumes is given to students and together we practice deciding which volume to use to look up information for a given topic.
 Session 3: Break into pairs. Each set of students has a topic. They list the steps they go through to find that topic in the encyclopedia. They answer the question of "What kind of information have I found about my topic?" Come back together into the large group. Together we compile a list of tips on how to use the encyclopedia to locate information.
 Because using guide words in the encyclopedia is alphabetical, a card with the alphabet written on it is provided. The student(s) are also given "study buddies" to help them. Directions are repeated and more examples and explanations are given.
Checking For Understanding:
 Reflection : have students fill in the KWL chart with what they have learned about owls and locating information. For the "what I have learned" section, have students contribute responses for owls and for the information-location strategies used in learning to maneuver the encyclopedias.
 Explore both websites, Searchasaurus and SIRS Discoverer, for more owl information which is needed for the classroom unit. Students take notes on where and what the links are.
 Checklist from classroom teacher handed out with needed information for the owl experiment. Students check off the items they located through the print and nonprint encyclopedias.
Teacher Reflections:

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