Lesson Plan : Braille Work Area

Teacher Name:
 De Tenski
 Special Education

 Given a student that will use a braille writer and use braille, the teacher will create an organization system for the student.
 The student will have furniture that fits. The student will have adequate lighting. The student will have storage space. The student will have an appropriate work surface.
 1.The student chair will seat the student so that both feet can be touching the floor. 2. The work surface will be at waist or elbow level when the student is seated. 3. The student with useful vision will have lighting appropriate to needs based on their eye condition. 4. A reading stand if appropriate will be considered to provide increased lighting without shadows and to place material in a position that is comfortable for viewing. 5. The work surface shall be large enough to accommodate a braille writer and braille books. Consider 23 1/4" x 73" work surface with a 15 1/4" x 73" board placed on crates above and to the back of the work surface. 6. A rubber mat placed under the braille writer in the center of the desk to absorb noise and prevent slipping.
 Chair, 23 1/4" x 73" board or wood shelving, 15 1/4" x 73" board or wood shelving, 2 crates for storage and to hold the narrow shelf. rubber mat, reading stand, flexible arm lamp. file folders, braille paper, braille writer.
 Refer to book, Instructional Strategies for Braille Literacy by Wormsley and D'Andrea page 152 - "Check the size and fit of furniture. Physical factors such as these should always be considered first when looking for underlying causes of reading difficulties."
 On page 59 the authors describe the proper fit for furniture. "Students need to be able to have their hands at approximately waist or elbow height when brailling or reading braille so they do not have to lift their hands at the same time that they are trying to read....A thick rubber mat...under a brailler will keep the brailler in place and muffle some of the noise it creates." Another consideration is lighting. In Foundations of Low Vision by Corn and Koenig on page 136 they state" there is no formula for determining the proper position of light for a given person...an individual should be assessed according to his or her eye condition, the type of task to be performed, the setting. In general supplemental light sources are positioned so that the light comes over the shoulder opposite to the individual's preferred hand.. the prevent the person's body from casting shadows in the work area to be viewed..."In many cases a reading stand can be used to provide increased lighting without shadows and to help the reader place material in a position that is comfortable for viewing."
 Ask the students to determine if the desk or table they are sitting at would be at waist or elbow height for them. Do your feet touch the floor comfortably? How would a rubber mat under a braille writer be useful? Is supplemental lighting appropriate? Where should lighting be placed? Would you recommend a reading stand for this individual? Do you have enough room for a braille writer, braille paper and braille books?
 Have the student sketch a drawing of the "ideal" organization system for a student using a braillewriter and braille books. Have students shop for materials needed to create the ideal organization system for themselves.
Checking For Understanding:
 Give the students an example student. 8 years old Waist level 18 inches. Congenitally blind-no light perception. Ask them to design an organizational for this student.
 An organization system for a student using braille should have the following components: 1. furniture that fits a. students feet touch the floor in the chair b. work surface at waist or elbow level 2.adequate lighting 3. storage space 4. large enough work surface ( enough room for braille writer and braille book to open)
 Do students understand the space requirements for using a braille writer and braille books?
Teacher Reflections:

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