Lesson Plan : Reflective thinking

Teacher Name:
 Dr. Jerrfer Geihs
 Grade 11-12

 Tracy's Dilema--A look at the Reflective Thinking Process
 Tracy Dykstra, a senior at North High School, was elected president of the senior class and the student council. The administration at North High, which has a student body of over 5,000 Students and faculty, encourages independent thought and the free expression of ideas. During the early part of the school year, one group of students carried that free expression too far, or so believed the administration, the majority of the student body, and most parents. This group called themselves the Paratroopers. One day, Tracy noticed that they were handing out leaflets to solicit new members. The group grew from just a few members to about 50 members. There was anger and confusion among the student body about the group because its members were so intolerant when it came to discussing any views but their own. There was also tension between those who were members and those who were not. Several fights broke out in the lunchroom and on the school grounds between members of the Paratroopers and non-members. Midway through the first semester, the Paratroopers decided to organize a rally. They went through proper channels and received the school�s permission to hold the rally on campus after school. They promised it would be peaceful and non-provoking. When other students and many of the parents heard about the rally, they became angered and called the school demanding that the principal stop the rally. Many thought it would end up out of control. The principal and several school board members were prepared to stop the rally because of public opinion, but some teachers, administrators, and board members believed the rally should go on. They felt it would be unfair to allow some student groups to hold such events and not to allow this group the same privilege; it would also oppose the democratic, non-judgmental ideas of the school. They decided to leave it up to the student council to make the decision.
 1. To enable the students to solve a problem utilizing reflective thinking. Not allowing them to jump to conclusions but continue with the process researching the problem and thinking of ways to solve it (Gutek, 2009 p.87) 2. Enable the students to see the consequences of their decisions, prior to engaging, using reflective thinking. 3. Ensure students realize that reflective thinking follows systematic phases that are connected and realate to each other.
 Using Dewey�s five step problem-solving method students will identify the problematic situation, define the problem, clarify the problem, develop a tentative hypothesis, and lastly test their hypothesis (Gutek, 2009 p.86)
 1. A copy of the case study scenerio. 2. A copy of Dewey's complete act of thought five step problem-solving method for each student
 Pose a simple question to the students, "If you had to choose between a million dollars, a life-time of good health, or having just one wish, which would you chose?" Allow the students time to think about this question, then ask a few students to share what they would pick and why. Then discuss how they arrived at that answer, what things did they consider when making their decision, etc. Explain that what the students just did was called basic decision making and they are now going to do a case study that will involve their reflective decision making skills.
 1. Read the case study scenerio to the students. 2. Ask students to identify the problematic situation. Students will come up with different situations. 3. Distribute Dewey's five step problem-solving method. 4. Completely explain each step in the problem-solving method, remember to explain that according to Gutek (2009 p.86) Dewey states, reflective thought is a cumulative process not just methodical steps. 5. After explaning the steps, once again ask the students what is the problematic situation. Encourage them to get into groups and share their independent thoughts coming up with one problematic situation amongst the group. 6. Define the problem.
 1. Identifying the problematic situation: The answer is: A social group on campus, who has a history of violence between its' members and non-members, plans to hold a rally on campus after school.
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