Lesson Plan : Presentacion de la comida hispana

Teacher Name:
 Senorita Timpone
 Grade 9-10
 World Languages

 La comida del mundo hispano
 La carne meat El pollo chicken la ternera veal El cerdo pork Las verduras vegetables la lechuga lettuce el ma�z corn los frijoles, las alubias beans la zanahoria carrot la papa, la patata potato la cebolla onion el brocoli broccoli la col cabbage la espinaca spinach las hierbas herbs el apio celery la alcachofa artichoke el tomate tomato Las frutas la manzana apple el pl�tano banana el lim�n lemon las uvas grapes la pera pear la pi�a pineapple el coco coconut el mango mango la papaya papaya la toronja, el pomelo grapefruit la naranja orange el lim�n lime la fresa strawberry el tomate tomato la cereza cherry el arroz rice el aceite oil
 In cooperative groups, students will research a Hispanic food and prepare a presentation based on that food and its country of origin.
 SWBAT use the internet laptops to find a recipe from the assigned country of origin. SWBAT identify the ingredients of a Hispanic food. SWBAT create a visual representation of the Hispanic food (Edible food, Powerpoint, video/commercial, etc). SWBAT prepare a structured presentations about a hispanic food including an ingredients in Spanish and the country of origin.
 26 Mac Books Technology Cart Arts and Crafts Cart/ Materials Kitchen Materials
 As students enter the room, the teacher will have the slide show from the Hispanic Food Wiki Space projected on the Smart Board. The teacher will introduce the project via the rubric on the smart board.
 The teacher will also give a 5 minute sample presentation using "la tortilla espanola" powerpoint and edible version to exhibit the expectations of the project.
 1.Students will choose a country from a teacher generates lists of Spanish-speaking countries. Based on the country of interest, students will from cooperative groups of 3-4 members. Any disputes will be resolved diplomatically with the assistance of the teacher. 2.The teacher will pass out a list of predefined group roles and allow students 5 minutes to decide what role each group member will play. 2. The teacher will assign each group member an area in which they will prepare their portion of the group presentation.
  � Remediation � One-on-one instruction � Alternative Assignment (Individual) � Assignments read to student � Extended Time � Modeling, Contextual Clues, Built-in Redundancy, Cooperative and Collaborative Activities � Use of Visuals and Overhead Transparencies
Checking For Understanding:
 The teacher will hand out a structured daily information logsfor both groups and individuals so to each group and collect them at the end of the class to check on the progress of each group.
 The teacher will have students return to the large group instruction area and discuss findings with the class. Students will also be responsible to hand in the individual and group information logs.
 The Daily information Log
Teacher Reflections:

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