Lesson Plan : Recipe Conversion and Cost
Teacher Name: | Sue Rupert |
Grade: | Grade 11-12 |
Subject: | Vocational Ed. |
Topic: | Converting recipe to fill Beta Club order, costing recipe and preparations for lab to bake cookies. |
Content: | Recipe conversion, cost analysis teaspoon, tablespoon, cup, pint, quart, gallon, ounce,yield, total cost, cost per serving, mark up percentage. |
Goals: | Students will be able to covert the recipe to yield 20 dozen cookies with 100% accuracy. Students will understand the process needed to convert the recipe to include abbreviations used, cost the recipe and prepare a grocery list with 100% accuracy. |
Objectives: | 8.00 Use math for culinary tasks. 8.01 Identify measurements and abbreviations. 8.02 Use conversions and yields of recipes and ingredients. |
Materials: | Smart Board, calculators, measuring utensils, Culinary Essentials textbook, variety of cookbooks,standard costing sheet. |
Introduction: | The Beta Club has ordered 20 dozen chocolate chip cookes for their jmeeting next Tuesday. We will be in the lab preparing the cookieson MOnday. Today we need to compile our grocery list, convert the recipe to yield 20 dozen and complete a cost analysis. |
Development: | Demonstraste how to convert a recipe using a recipe other than the chocolate chip recipe using the Smart Board. Demonstrate how to do a cost anaylsis. Step 1: Convert recipe from 2 doz to 20 doz Step 2 Compile a grocery list (remember to check pantry for items we have in stock) Step 3 cost of each item in recipe (use standard costing sheet)Step 4 Percentage of mark up to determine cost of cookies for billing Beta Club |
Practice: | Mini lesson: t., tbsp., c., pt., qt., gal., oz. Write in your mini lesson notebook what each abbreviation stands for. Pair/share (OCS students paired with regualar ed students) |
Accommodations: | OCS students will work with a partner to complete assignments. OCS students may choose a recipe with 4-6 ingredients rather than 8. Exchange recipe with another student, have each student check over covnersions to see if they agree. Each student discusses discrepancies with peer until they reach an agreeement. |
Checking For Understanding: | Monitor each student as they progress converting the recipe. Check conversions, check to be sure they are converting 3 tsp to 1 tbsp, 16 tbsp to 1 cup, etc. Students present their results to class. Using smart board go over each ingredient and each converison in the recipe, step by step asking question and calling on students for answers. |
Closure: | What did you learn about conversions today you did not know? What else would you like to know? Get into teams of 4 and discuss appropriate questions to use for our mini lesson tomorrow to give adquate review of todays objectives. I will use one question from each team for tomorrows mini lesson. |
Evaluation: | Students prepare chocolate chip cookies in the lab for the Beta Club. Students demonstrate their understanding and knowledge for recipe production while preparing the cookies. Cookies are evaluated upon completion for quality. |
Teacher Reflections: |
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