Lesson Plan : The Thirteen Colonies
Teacher Name: | Mr. Aragon |
Grade: | Grade 3 |
Subject: | Social Studies |
Topic: | The Thirteen Colonies. |
Content: | The content includes the following vocabulary: colonies, protest, liberty, mount, gleamed, assigned, commander, invader, precautions, allegiance, central, delegates, utter, declarations, treason. We will answer the following questions: What are the characteristics of historical fiction? What skills and background knowledge are needed to analyze historical fiction? |
Goals: | Students will be able to locate and describe key vocabulary words and life in The Thirteen Colonies. |
Objectives: | Students will be able to locate the originally thirteen colonies on a map. Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key vocabulary words by being able to spell them correctly and matching the correct definition with word. Students will be able to write about early life of settlers. |
Materials: | Computer (technology), pens, crayons, rulers, paper, manipulatives, rubrics, video, visuals, worksheets. |
Introduction: | Class why and how were the original thirteen colonies formed? The original colonies were formed, because England wanted to establish a place in America due to it's many resources. Even though the original colonies are still part of the United States, why are they called colonies? A colony is a group of people who leave their native land to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation. Many of these settlers left voluntarily. Why would someone live there home to move to a new and distant place? Many left for religious freedom and for new opportunities. Many left to find work. Many left to be able to have the opportunity to own land. What is freedom? Freedom is the state of being free or exempt from external control. It's personal liberty.(Class think of not having to do something you don't want to do when you are told to do it. Watch a short clip.(10 min.) |
Development: | Tell the students the key reasons why people left Europe to settle and form new colonies in The Americas. Demonstrate by having a student locate England on a globe. Write key vocabulary on board e.g. colonists, government, religious freedom, human rights. Describe how the early colonies were formed and some of the hardships they encountered. Give examples e.g. ship crossing, diseases, lack of food and shelter. Have them write on board. Detail and provide materials on some of the resources and foods they encountered, their jobs, and early dealings with Native Americans. Illustrate with visuals and overhead projectors e.g. blacksmith, Native Americans. Bring in food staples e.g.in corn, beans, squash.(10 min.). |
Practice: | Complete That's My Colony worksheet in class. Form students into small groups of 3-4, depending on class size. (Hint and provide examples. Have some of key vocabulary already on board. Students alos have prior handouts). Let students, have creative freedom to develop their own colony. Observe groups informally to see if on task and for understanding. (5 min.) |
Accommodations: | Use various materials and mediums to address different learning styles. This lesson plan will incorporate a short video, use of manipulatives, illustrations, video and overhead projector. Will write key vocabulary on board e.g. colonies, government. Will say and define; providing handouts with definitions. Use flexible grouping to complete various assignments e.g. word search. (10 min.) |
Checking For Understanding: | Probe students for what they liked about at assignment. What areas did they find difficult? How could they improve? What areas could I assist in towards higher level of understanding and thinking? Give constructive advice on how they could improve in area or on assignment. Have student's self monitor to see if they stayed focused or on task. Could be done throughout the lesson or day based on established and understood classroom rules. Example how did student think they did with assignment or participation. Provide graded papers back and discuss, e.g. conference, have student provide feedback on areas they could improve. Allow to revise and self assess work.(10 min.) |
Closure: | Recap lesson summarizing key points. Collect materials including worksheets and journals for records. Check over and grade. (10 min.) |
Evaluation: | In early stages of lesson. Look and listen for pronunciation of key words. This is part of informal evaluation and participation. Utilize question and answer time to gauge comprehension (5% of semester grade). Walk around room during individual and group activities to informally monitor participation and completion of assignments. Collect mix and match worksheet with word and definition(10%).Journal writing (10%). Fill in the blank(10%). Homework(20%). Collect all materials. Grade in class assignments and homework. Schedule any necessary conferences. Save for ongoing portfolio for each individual student. |
Teacher Reflections: | My goals were in line with CA Content Standards. My plan adequately prepares students for new content with use of handout and front loading of material. I accomodated the different modalities to learning by using manipulatives and relia. I met learning objectives and outcomes. Overall pleased with students response and overall quality of work. |
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