Lesson Plan : Mix-Freeze with Add and Subtract!

Teacher Name:
 Miss Yopp, Tanglewood
 Grade 1

 �Mix-Freeze-Group Review Game with Addition and Subtraction Facts!� Adapted from Chapter 10 of Kagan's Cooperative Learning Book.
 After recently covering basic addition and subtraction facts through 20, the students will play this game as a review before their �daily timed fact tests� given 3 days a week until the end of the school year. Key vocabulary used within the student�s language will include all the numbers 1-20, add, subtract, and equals.
 After completing the activity, each student should be more familiar with their basic addition and subtraction facts. The students will also gain a better understanding of they type of problems to expect on their timed fact tests. Overall, my main goal is to provide each student with the opportunity to improve and gain a better confidence in their addition and subtraction facts. TEKS: (1.3) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student recognizes and solves problems in addition and subtraction situations. The student is expected to: (A) model and create addition and subtraction problem situations with concrete objects and write corresponding number sentences; and (B) use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts (up to ?9 + 9 = 18 and 18 � 9 = 9). (1.5) Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student recognizes patterns in numbers and operations. The student is expected to: (A) use patterns to skip count by twos, fives, and tens; (B) find patterns in numbers, including odd and even; (C) compare and order whole numbers using place value; (D) use patterns to develop strategies to solve basic addition and basic subtraction problems; and (E) identify patterns in related addition and subtraction sentences (fact families for sums to 18) such as 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5, ?5 � 2 = 3, and 5 � 3 = 2.
 The students will be able to understand how to listen to a math problem given to them both verbally and visually, and then form groups with the amount based on the correct answer. They students will be able to demonstrate their ability to add and subtract by forming groups according to the right answer.
 The materials needed to complete this activity are: students, a teacher, addition and subtraction flash cards, and a large space to do the activity. I will also be using individual white boards, white board markers, and tissues to introduce the activity.
 I will begin my lesson by giving each student a small white board, white board marker, and a tissue to use as an eraser. I will then hold up different flash cards, have the students practice writing the problem on their board, then answer the problem, and finally hold their answer up for me to check. This will allow for each of my students to have the opportunity to review their facts all at the same time, but allowing each student to work at their own pace. It will also help my students to practice their visual, listening, and writing skills. After a while, I will then write three different problems on the board, have the students solve the problems on their white boards, and then have different students come to the board to write and explain their answers to the rest of the class.
 After the students have had the opportunity to practice their facts on the white boards, I will then explain and model to them the �Mix-Freeze-Group� activity. I will have several students stand up in front of the classroom. Then I will hold up a flashcard and have the class read the problem out loud. After they have read it out loud I will ask the volunteers to get into groups that show me the answer to the problem. (Example-there are 7 students. The problem is 2+1=3, so there will be 2 groups of 3 and one student leftover.) I will explain to the students that the object of the game is to roam around and when I hold up a flashcard and call out a problem, they are to form into groups according to what the answer is. I will also explain to them that if there are any children �leftover� because of an uneven amount, these students will then go to the �lost and found� (in a designated area of the room). You may not go to the lost and found two times in a row, so those students in the lost and found must be the first children taken into another group when the next problem is given. This will help to keep all the students involved in the game. After explaining the activity, I will then give one more example and then begin to play!
 The students and I will play �Mix-Freeze-Group� several times to assure that they are able to demonstrate their ability to add and subtract. I will be using various flashcards and different addition and subtraction problems on the various timed tests to be given in the future.
 Students will be allowed to use various manipulatives to help solve the math problems if needed. These manipulatives may include a number line, counters, cubes, or drawing pictures. ESL children will also have the option of working individually with the teacher or in partners to complete the facts if they are needing help in demonstrating their knowledge of the numbers and different signs used.
Checking For Understanding:
 The following day, both an addition and subtraction timed test will be given to help the students practice and to become quicker with their facts. Each test will have 40 problems and the students will be given 5 minutes to complete each test. Since the tests are for practice only, students will not be penalized for not completing a test in the 5 minutes, but they will be encouraged to practice their facts more in the future. Those students who receive a 100 will be rewarded with a sticker.
 Basic addition and subtraction facts are topics that will be covered on a daily basis as a quick review through the use of flashcards and the �Mix0-Freeze-Group� game. A daily 5-minute timed test of either 40 addition or 40 subtraction problems will be given as well.
 Eventually, a chart will be made with each child�s name on the chart and students will be rewarded with stickers if they receive a 100 on their test. Students will not be penalized for not completing the timed test or not making a 100 since this is simply to help practice accuracy and quickness with basic math facts. After more advanced students have made a 100 on a specific test three times, they will move on to a more challenging timed test to be given at the same time as the others are taking theirs as well. The teacher will be able to measure their student�s progress through the daily tests and the improvements made as they gain more practice with their facts.
Teacher Reflections:
 Overall, my lesson went excellent! My students have absolutely loved practicing and learning the different basic addition and subtraction facts. They thought that the �Mix-Freeze-Group� activity was fun and an easy way to practice their facts! They also enjoyed using white boards because it was seen as a privilege to them! Through practicing with the �Mix-Freeze-Group� activity, white boards, and flash cards, my students have improved tremendously on their accuracy and quickness to answer their math facts. The timed tests have also been a great way to measure their improvement and progress. Timed tests are something that are used regularly upon entering the 2nd grade at Tanglewood, so the 1st graders see the tests as a huge privilege and responsibility to have right before the end of the school year. They have also become highly motivated to practice and become better at their math facts through the combination of games, activities, and timed tests given during math!

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