Lesson Plan : Summative History Review
Teacher Name: | Kimberly Dennin |
Grade: | Grade 4 |
Subject: | Social Studies |
Topic: | |
Content: | Dates, characteristics and themes of the time periods in the United States. |
Goals: | Goal 1: Students will understand their culture and its relationship to New York history. Goal 2: Students will understand the operations of a digital camera. |
Objectives: | Objectives for Goal 1 Given a topic, such as fashion, technology, or home life, and a time period from the United States, students will write a list of at least ten related items. Given a topic and a time period from the United States, students will write a comparison of current and past trends that includes a minimum of three comparisons. Objectives for Goal 2 Given a digital camera, students will take pictures of at least 10 items that relate to their topic. Given pictures on a disc, students will download 85% of the pictures. |
Materials: | Materials: digital cameras, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word (or another word processor), Venn diagram, directions for downloading pictures, directions for saving work on the computer, checklist of completed items, and the following websites: Native American: http://minnow.net/, http://www.surfnetkids.com/indians.htm, http://www.nhusd.k12.ca.us/ALVE/NativeAmerhome.html/nativeamhome.html, http://www.nativetech.org/ Revolutionary War: http://trackstar.scrtec.org/main/track_frames.php3?track_id=102651&nocache=1946957295, http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/revolutionarywar.htm, http://www2.lhric.org/pocantico/revolution/revolution.htm Industrialization: http://members.aol.com/mhirotsu/kevin/trip2.html, http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/lec.indust.html, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/IRchild.main.htm, http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/inventions.html, http://www.americasstory.com/cgi-bin/page.cgi/es/ny/school_1 Colonial Times: http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/timeline2.html, http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/US_History/Colonial_Period/Colonial_Life/Clothing/index.htm, http://www.newsday.com/extras/lihistory/, http://www.hfmgv.org/education/smartfun/colonial/intro/ |
Introduction: | Introduction: Since this is a summative review of the year, the teacher will ask questions to refresh the students� memories. She can addresses the following eras in New York history: Native American Indians, the European encounter, the colonial and Revolutionary War periods, the new nation, the period of industrial growth and expansion, and local and State government. In addition, the teacher will write down their answers so that they can see how much they learned throughout the year. The following questions can be used: Who were the first inhabitants of New York State and how did they live? What was life like in New York under the Dutch, the French, and the English? How did the Revolutionary War impact New York State? How was the government of the United States of America formed? Who were the founders and what were the founding documents? What were the impacts of industrialization and expansion on New York State? How did urbanization change New York State? What is structure and function of government at the local and State levels? (Retrieved from the New York State Grade 4 Core Curriculum) |
Development: | Development: The purpose of the activity is to review what the students learned throughout the year in history class and to relate it to the students� lives. The end product is a typed and illustrated comparison of events or trends in the students� lives and events or trends in another American time period. Part I: The teacher will describe the task to perform and model it for the students. The teaching method will be direct instruction. First, the teacher introduces the topic and the time period that the student will use to make a comparison. She defines the topic. If the topic is fashion, the teacher will use a dictionary to define it. Next, she, along with the class, will brainstorm a list of current trends in fashion. Then, they brainstorm a list of fashion trends during the appointed time period. The teacher can go to a website for additional information. Part II: The teacher explains that the students are going to take pictures with a digital camera that supports their list. The teacher discusses how to handle a camera. She then uses direct instruction to show them how to take a picture with a digital camera. Next, she shows them how to download a picture on Adobe Photoshop. Directions will be provided on camera safety and procedural steps. Part III: The teacher uses a Venn diagram to organize the collected information. She writes a comparison of fashion now and fashion then. This provides the students with an example of acceptable work. |
Practice: | Practice Part I: 1. Organize the class into groups of 3-4 students. 2. Each group will be given a topic and a time period. Examples: Fashion and the Colonial period. Technology and industrialization. Current events and the Revolutionary War. Entertainment and post WWII. Home life and Native American culture. School life and the Industrial Revolution. 3. Each group will brainstorm two lists; one for the present and one for the appointed time period. There should be at least five ideas for each time frame. 4. Each group will have time to gather more information on the Internet. Websites will be bookmarked for each time period. Part II: 5. Students will take pictures of the items on their list. 6. Students will download the pictures and save them on a designated file. 7. As a group, the students will select five pictures that best represent their topic. Part III: 8. Each person in the group will write a comparison and type it on Microsoft Word. The downloaded pictures will be cut and pasted onto the writings. 9. Two copies will be made for peer editing. 10. Each student will edit two other students� comparisons. |
Accommodations: | Accommodations: The creative students will take pictures from other angles. For example, a tall person might perceive an object from a different viewpoint. The low- level student will complete a graphic organizer for her/ his comparison. |
Checking For Understanding: | Check for Understanding: Sit with each group and discuss their list. How is this reflective of our times and of the past? Walk around the classroom to observe the students taking and downloading pictures. |
Closure: | Closure: To conclude the lesson, each group will share their final product with the class. |
Evaluation: | A writing rubric will be used for the comparisons. A checklist will be used for cooperative skills and digital camera skills. Checklist for cooperative skills _____ Student shared ideas to the group. _____ Student listened to other classmates� ideas. _____ Student worked alongside other students. _____ Student respected others in the group. Checklist for digital camera skills _____ Student knew how to turn camera on and off. _____ Student knew how to zoom. _____ Student knew how to take a picture. _____ Student knew special details. They were: _______________________________ _____ Student knew how to download a picture. _____ Student knew special details of Adobe Photoshop. They were: _______________ Rubric for Comparison 4+ Criteria is met and exceeded. Comparison is distinguished. The student shows knowledge of their interpretations and all facts are accurate. There are no grammatical errors. 4 Criteria is met and tops the expectations. Comparison is thoughtful and creative. The student shows knowledge of material but has 1-2 minor errors. 3 Criteria is met. Comparison is a solid interpretations of material given, however there are multiple minor errors or 1 major error. 2 Criteria is partially met. Comparison is missing information and contains 2 or 3 major errors. 1 Criteria is partially met. Comparison is not informative and there are 4 or 5 major errors. |
Teacher Reflections: |
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