American Presidents Lesson Plans

  • Abraham Lincoln's House - In this lesson, students will make their own version of his home. This tasty treat is a great way for students to visualize where one of our greatest leaders grew up.
  • President Bingo - This lesson is great to use as a review game of the presidents. Students have to match the facts you name to the correct president.
  1. 44 Presidents - The goal of this lesson is to give students a fun and creative way to remember the 44 Presidents of the United States.
  2. Presidential Election Timeline - The student will be able to list the major events in order that lead up to Presidential election.
  3. A Day for Our Presidents- No school on Monday! It is a national holiday. Do students understand the meaning and history of our national holidays? Students are invited to listen to, view, and discuss Presidents' Day, the national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February.
  4. Abraham Lincoln- The students will work cooperatively to decide whether the index card that contains the pre-written fact or accomplishment is correct or incorrect. The index cards were created in a Word Document file.
  5. Are U.S. Presidents Leaders or Figureheads?- Students analyze three presidents. They create a graphic organizer explaining how three influences for each president affected the development of the New Nation.
  6. Choosing Presidents - This purpose of this lesson is to help fifth grade students explore the concept of what makes a person a good leader.
  7. Class President- Have you wondered what kind of person makes a good president? Students learn strategies to develop reading vocabulary and learn to identify comparison and contrast as an aid to comprehension as they follow Julio and his secret desire to become class president.
  8. Determining the President of 1860- The learner will determine who won the U.S. Presidential election of 1860. Students will find the information online, create a database, manipulate a spreadsheet and present findings.
  9. Exploring our US Presidents - This lesson will involve in-depth research, both library research and online research, on one of the US Presidents.
  10. Franklin Roosevelt and the Dime- Franklin Delano Roosevelt served four terms. Learn about his life, presidency, monument, and tributes to him through stories and poems. Students will also learn the attributes of a dime.
  11. Jefferson on a Nickel- Who wrote our Declaration of Independence? Our third president, Thomas Jefferson, was the main writer. Learn about his life, presidency, monument, and tributes to him through stories and poems. Students will also learn the attributes of a nickel.
  12. If I Were President ...- "Students compose a brief essay telling what they would do to solve problems in the United States if they were elected president."
  13. President/Executive Branch- To be able to distinguish a duty of the president from duties of the other branches. A student will be able to identify different roles that the president fills.
  14. President Who?- Using their reading comprehension skills, the students will demonstrate their knowledge of basic facts on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln through a question and answer game format.
  15. Presidents - This learning structure will allow the students in groups to review information in a question/answer game format.
  16. Presidential Sweet- Students learn about Presidents' Day, the individuals commemorated on this holiday, and their importance in history. They write a letter to a president stating things they have learned.
  17. System of Checks and Balances- Students will be able to identify the powers delegated to the three branches of government, illustrate how the system of checks and balances work and determine how the checks and balances system can be seen in today's modern democratic system.
  18. The President's Role and Succession- This lesson shows the role the President of the United States plays in American government and the order of succession of cabinet members.
  19. The Watergate Crisis- This lesson will explain how the Watergate crisis called attention to how the power of the President of the United States can be abused.
  20. Toontime- In this lesson, students write an essay about the governmental issues that surrounded Andrew Jackson's presidency. They discuss how editorial cartoons are made and create an editorial cartoon of their own about a president.
  21. Top 10 Tips for Incorporating President's Day Themes in Your Classroom- History is often a difficult subject to teach. Students frequently have a hard time understanding how something that happened long before they were born can affect them today.
  22. Washington and the Quarter- Why is George Washington called the Father of our Country? Learn about the life of this president, his monument, and tributes to him through stories and poems. Students also learn the attributes of a quarter.
  23. Why Bother To Vote In Florida?- This lesson provides opportunities for students to gain knowledge about the Florida 2000 Presidential Election, proposed changes in the process, and to practice communication skills, including listening and speaking.