Lesson Plan : Chicken or the Egg?

Teacher Name:
 Jennifer Clark
 Grade 7-8

 Human Organization: cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organism
 The smallest unit of life is the cell. Cells perform specific functions are group together to make tissues. Similar tissues group together to form an organ with a specific job inside the body. Groups of organs that work together to help the body maintain internal conditions (homeostasis) gather together to make organ systems. When a group of organ systems work together to support life they make up an organism.
 NCSCOS 4.02 Describe how systems with the human body are defined by the functions it performs. NCSCOS 4.03a Explain how the structure of an organ is adapted to perform specific functions within one or more systems.
 Given terminology, TLW accuratley sequence levels of organization with the human body and describe each level
 Human Body Organizaton Cards Colored Paper Colored Pencils Picture of Bicycle
 Have students list as many 3 letter body parts as possible: leg, arm, lip, jaw, hip, toe, ear. Then, have them sort the words into two groups: above the waist and below the waist.
 Show students a picture of a bicycle and ask them what parts make the bike. Discuss how the wheels, brakes, gears, seat, etc. make up the bike and that various parts also make up humans. Discuss with students that they will sequence the parts that make up humans and describe those parts.
 Each lab group will get a set of Body Organization Cards with a picture of a cell, a tissue, an organ, an organ system. This set will not be labeled. Students will work with their group to order the cards from lowest level of organization to highest. When they think they have it, give students the 2nd set of cards that have the terms but no pictures. See if they match the term to the picture and then put them in the correct sequence. Discuss the correct sequence and meaning of each term with students.
 Students will have both a set of picture cards and a set of language cards. Students will be allowed to work with peers, have extended time as needed and will use concept maps as graphic organizers.
Checking For Understanding:
 Monitor group progress sequencing cards. Monitor student underanding through dialogue. Assess students comprehension through a student created thinking map: flow map of the five levels of organization.
 Ask students to discuss how understanding the levels of organization may help them as they learn about various body systems. Discuss how a comprehensive understtanding of these levels may help physicians to understands disease processes.
 Students will be evaluated according to the following Flow Map Guidelines: (1)Flow Map with 5 levels of human body organization in correct sequence (2)Each level has a description (3) Each level has an example (4) Flow Map has a Title (5) Effort/Neatness
Teacher Reflections:
 Reflection of lesson will be done after lesson in taught.

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