Lesson Plan : Compound Words on the Menu

Teacher Name:
 Rhonda B. Elder
 Grade 2
 Language Arts

 Compound Words
 Students will be able to understand that a compound word is actually two separate words, put together to form a new, different word.
 Students will pick out compound words while listening to a story. Students will identify compound words when spoken and differentiate between those and two separate words. Students will create compound words using individual words which are given to them. Students will write a compound word they think of on their own and illustrate that word.
 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, written by Judi Barrett. Worksheet to go with activity.
 Present subject matter to students explaining that compound words are actually two separate words, placed together to make one word, creating a whole new word with a different meaning than either of the other two words.
 I will present the information to the children, giving a few examples of compound words (birdhouse, butterfly, meatballs, doghouse, toothbrush). Differentiate between two-word phrases such as french fries, hot dog, ice cream and compounds. Introduce the story, asking students to listen especially for compound words as I read through the book. Read the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. After reading the story, ask for input from students, asking for compound words they remember hearing in the story. Have children come to the front of the class and add their words to the list, as they are called upon.
 Students will work in pairs and be given an envelope with ten pieces of paper, each containing a word. Students will work together to create five compound words from the ten separate words in the envelope. Each child will write the five compound words they created in the top third portion of their paper.
Checking For Understanding:
 On the bottom portion of their paper, students will be asked to write at least one of their "favorites." It can be a favorite food (meatballs, meatloaf, doughnut, peanut), a favorite place (playground, bedroom, upstairs, downstairs, outside), a favorite activity (baseball, football, basketball, playset, dollhouse). Once they complete this activity, they can draw and color one of their favorites on the back of their paper.
 Name some compounds and some non-compounds, asking the students to choose whether or not they think it's a compound (doghouse, french fries, ice cream, bathtub, toothbrush, stairwell, door knob, hairbow, baseball, farmhouse, downtown, tennis shoe). Allow individuals to share their "favorites."
 Did the students seem to grasp the idea? Do they seem to understand the concept and did they give examples that were truly compound words?
Teacher Reflections:

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