Lesson Plan : What's In a Cell

Teacher Name:
 Catherine Sigmon-Mitchel
 Grade 7-8

 Parts of an animal cell
 The parts of an animal cell will be identified and their roles defined. Vocabulary: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, organelles.
 Students will gain an understanding that all animals have something in common--cells. Students will recognize basic components of cells and their functions.
 Students will label a cell's common structures and identify the functions of a cell's components.
 Cell poster, handouts, simple slides, website Model of a cell
 How are people, dogs, and gorillas alike? Do we look alike? Walk alike? Eat the same food? Show pictures of each using LCD projector.
 I will explain that beneath the skin or fur we are all made of cells...the basic block for each living thing. I will useconnecting blocks of different colors to make the same shape. The students will examine a slide for human blood under the microscope.
 Using the website, Cells Alive, the students will view different slides in the "gallery" with instructions to look for things that look the same. The animated link for animal cells will be explored using the LCD projector so all can see the animation.Parts are labeled and when clicked the component is shown with an explanation of its role in the cell.
 Signs for the cell and its structures will be modeled and practiced with the interpreter. Cards with the names of the structures will be available for the lower functioning students to copy.
Checking For Understanding:
 Observation of student work, questions from students will indicate what they understand and what addional information is desired...Deaf students are active questioners! Class discussion T/F questions...vocabulary matches will be utilized.
 All living things have cells. We have looked at animal cells. There are different kinds of cells but all cells have some basic sameness. Different cells have different jobs...just like people. Tomorrow we will explore different kinds of cells and their jobs and see if they can be compared to the people in our school.
 Observation of students...question/ answer and in pair practice with the flashcards. Examination of student drawings and a follow up written quiz.
Teacher Reflections:

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