Lesson Plan : How Are Cells Setup?

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. Groleau
 Grade 7-8

 The Structure of Cells. Special Cells for Special Jobs
 Cell Theory, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, organelles, chloroplasts, mitochondria, nucleus, endoplasmic teticulum, Golgi bodies, tissue, organ, organ system, Schleiden, Schwann. Discuss cell theory and all cell parts and functions. Types of human cells,types of plant cells,tissues, organ, organ system, nerve cell, muscle cell skin cell bone cells, calcium, phosphorus
 Students should be able to differentiate between plant and animal cells. They should be able to discuss the cell theory and understand it. They should be able to identify the cell parts when asked to label a diagram of a cell. The student will be able to differentiate cell types. They will learn the importance of a cell shape to carry out its specific function.
 The student will describe the development of the cell theory. The student will identify names and functions of each part of a cell. The student will explain how important a nucleus is in a cell. The student will compare tissues, organs, and organ systems. The student will discuss how different cells have different jobs. The student will explain the differences among tissues, organs, and organ systems. The students will understand the importance of how different types of cells work together to keep you healthy.
 Teacher will introduce section using an overhead transparency " A Factory Analogy." Student will answer the questions on the transparency. Transparency " Just Doing My Job" . Picture of a cell. Students will answer questions asked on the transparency.
 Students were assigned to read section 3 "Cell Structure". (T) (S) will discuss the cell theory and structures. Teacher will draw the attention of students to table #2 (pg.221) "the Cell Theory" and we will discuss. Students will continue discussion, looking at page 222-223 "Visualizing Microscopes" by National Geographic. Teacher and student will discuss the pictures and answer questions. Teacher and student will continue discussion-cellular organization. Teacher will refer to large charts placed on the front white board, while students may refer to their text drawings. The students were asked to read section two to be ready for discussion. Teacher will present lesson using the overhead projector and transparency "Just Doing My Job". The teacher will read the questions and discuss answers with the students. Then teacher will draw attention to page 483, where different types of cells are illustrated. The teacher will discuss each cell and function. Students will be asked to draw cells in notebook.
 Teacher/student discussion regarding cell parts and structures and functions. Use an analogy to illustrate cell wall. Inflate a balloon and place it inside a small cardboard box. The balloon represents the cell membrane and the box represents the cell wall.
 Have students draw the cells in their notes and label parts.
 The Teacher will walk around helping students.
Checking For Understanding:
 There will be a quiz on sections 2 and 3
 Cells are the basic unit of all living things. Plant cells and animals cells, though similar are very different and contain different organelles.
 Have students do chapter review page 492 and teacher/student go over questions and answers.
Teacher Reflections:
 Students should realize how unique each cell is and the important function each cell has.

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