Lesson Plan : Sterilizing with an Autoclave

Teacher Name:
 Grade 11-12
 Vocational Ed.

 How to sterilize supplies and equipment using an autoclave.
 What is an autoclave? How important sterilization really is.,
 My goal is to make the students understand that careless autoclaving permits the transmission of disease-producing organisms. Infection control is everyone's responsibility
 1. The learner will be able to remember what an autoclave is. 2. The learner will understand that the sterilization of instruments and equipment is essential in preventing the spread of infection. 3. The learner will be able to explain how to properly sterilize equipment using an autoclave. 4. The learner will know the length of time and amount of pressure required to sterilize different items. 5. The learner will know that careless autoclaving permits the transmission of disease-producing organisms.
 ITEMS TO WRAP: instrument, towel;AUTOCLAVE WRAP: paper,plastic or paper bag;autoclave tape;disposable or utility gloves;pen;masking tape(if autoclave tape is not used.
 1.Fanfold clean,dry linen so all of the folds are the same size.2.Fold back one corner on the top fold of the linen.3.Place the instrument in the center of the wrap.Fold the bottom corner to the center.4.Turn a small corner back to form a tab.5.Fold in one side and fold back a tab.6.Fold in the opposite side and fold back a tab.7.Bring the final corner up and over the top of the pack and tuck it in, leaving a small corner exposed.8.Secure the package with autoclave tape.Label it with the date,contents,and your initials.
 This will develop the casing in which the instrument will be placed in to be sterilized in the autoclave.
Checking For Understanding:
 Infection control is everyone's responsibility.
Teacher Reflections:

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