Lesson Plan : Color Me Healthy

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Lee

 I Can Feel My Heart Beat
 Learning about how our hearts help keep us healthy.
 1. Help children to understand that our heart is the most important muscle in our body and to improve: 2. listening & speaking skills 3. Fine motor skills 3. Self-Help skills
 1. Gain a better understanding of the heart 2. Get heart rate pumping 3. Discuss activities that can raise heart rate
 Color Me Healthy CD song: Color Me Healthy Dance Mix & Heartbeat Beat, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Bread, Butter knives, Heart cookie cutter, plates.
 1. Explain that we will be talking about the most important muscle in our body...our heart 2. Have children make a muscle by making a fist. 3. Explain that the heart is the same size as their fist. 4. Have children dance to the Color Me Healthy Dance Mix 5. After the song have children place their hands on their chest and feel there heartbeat. 6. Explain that the heart beats faster we we are active. 7. After they calm down have them feel their chest again. 8. Discuss the difference in their heart rate from dancing to sitting calmly.
 Making the the fist to show size of heart. Monitoring own heart rate after jumping and dancing.
 1. Have children dance to the Color Me Healthy Dance Mix 2. After the song have children place their hands on their chest and feel there heartbeat. 3. Explain that the heart beats faster we we are active. 4. After they calm down have them feel their chest again. 5. Discuss the difference in their heart rate from dancing to sitting calmly. 6. Play the Heartbeat Beat song and discuss how the more we move, the faster our hearts beat.
Checking For Understanding:
 After we finish with snack we will return back to our circle and read the book: Peanut Butter and Jelly: A Play Rhyme By, Nadine Bernard Westcott
Teacher Reflections:

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