Lesson Plan : Eighth Note Patterns

Teacher Name:
 Ashley Davis
 Grade 9-10

 Eighth Notes and rests
 Eighth Note, Eight Rests, Takadimi method
 Students will understand how to count and read rhythms with eighth notes. They will do this using specific examples and parts from the music we are working on in class.
 TLW accurately perform rhythm patterns containing eighth, quarter and half notes and rests using the takadimi method in 8 measure examples and in music picked out for class.
 Over head, prepared power point with examples, prepared worksheets with examples, Small white boards for students, dry erase markers, music for "Proud Mary," "La La La," "A Parting Blessing," and "Once Upon a Dream."
 Review what eighth notes are. Have students draw eighth notes in different forms on their dry erase boards and hold them up. Give them 10 seconds to draw each one.
 Take out sheets with rhythms. Work numbers 14 and 15 from sheets. Display them on the overhead as well. Discuss that each eighth note has a certain spot that it falls: on the beat or off the beat. It can fall on ta or di. This is determined by the placement of it and the other notes and rests around it. Read example 14 while doing an up/down action with hands to demonstrate the down and up beats. This will give students another visual representation of down and up beat.
 Demonstrate to students were the eighth notes fall. If it is on the beat draw a down arrow, if it is not on the beat it is an up arrow. Show them where the appropriate takadimi syllables go with on and off beats.
 Have students partner up and assess each others understanding.
Checking For Understanding:
 Have students read the rhythm while using their hands to demonstrate their down and up beats. Also, go around and check their work for accuracy.
 Have students take out Proud Mary and complete this same activity with the complicated eighth note patterns in the piece. Show them that it can all be broken down quite simply by doing this.
Teacher Reflections:

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