Lesson Plan : Sight-Singing

Teacher Name:
 Mr. Price
 Grade 9-10

 Students will learn how to sing music at sight.
 learning to read simple, step-wise melodies in major keys and simple meters to minor keys with skips in compound mixed meters
 learn to read music to unlock future musical doors; learn new songs easier, singg in-tune, anticipate patterns in music, become independent enough to do music alone
 STUDENTS WILL...Sight sing new choir music using solfege, numbers, and neutral syllables; read music in treble and bass clefs; determine the key or tonal center of a piece; identify the major or minor scale on which a melody is based; understand the meter and figure out what kind of note gets one beat; locate musical patterns such as outlines of chord or musical sequences
 sheet music, sight-reading book, staff paper, notebook paper, pencils
 - draw musical symbols on the board (p. 61) and label each along with students - have students copy the various time signatures seen in music (p. 61) - guidelines for approaching a new piece of music - journal write: how do you think professional singers prepare for a piece of music? - review musical terminology and symbols
 - begin doing repertoire sight-singing every class - follow the steps for approaching a new piece (p.62) until they become second nature for the students - using solfege, be sure to review and further incorporate the movable "DO" - use clapping to internalize rhythms and recognition of notes and rests
 - SING THAT TUNE game (reward winners) - daily sight-singing exercises taken from pp. 63-82
 - extended time - fewer items - individual instruction
Checking For Understanding:
 - sight-singing quizzes - symbol recognition - time signature recogniton - unit assessment
 - self-evaluation chart: have students chart their comfort with given material - unit assessment
Teacher Reflections:

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