Lesson Plan : Collectible Cubes

Teacher Name:
 Ms. Jo Johns
 Grade 7-8

 Probability and Simulations
 - use objects to models a real-world situations - organize and analyze data - make predictions and draw conclusions based on data
 Use table to identify possible outcomes of independent events Use simulation or experimentation to solve probability problems
 Students will solve the problem, create a poster that describes their thinking process and justifies their answer to the problem. Poster will include a written, visual, and an answer as well as an oral presentation.
 snap cubes, bags, poster paper, felt markers
 Explain the purpose of the exercise -- trading cards and what might happen
 Go through the problem, ask for questions, what the plan might be to solve the problem: use of an organized table, percentages, fractions....mathematical language used in the solution.
 Demonstrate and discuss the type of tables or ways to organize.
Checking For Understanding:
 Circulate and discuss... Questions to ask: How did you make your prediction? What mathematical procedures can you use to calculate the best number? How did you organize your data? How would you combine your data to come up with a reasonable answer? Why do you need to replace each cube before drawing another cube?
 Presentations from volunteers. Creating a class frequency distribution graph Journal entry: How did you make your prediction? What mathematical procedures did you use? What does the class graph look like? What does it tell you? Would you change your answer based on the class graph? What might happen if we conduct and record more trials.
 Reflection: Journal entry reflecting understanding Poster: Use the Grade 7 numeracy performance standards and mark the poster for understanding and communicating information.
Teacher Reflections:

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