Lesson Plan : Multiplying Integers between 0 and 6

Teacher Name:
 Becki Philhower
 Grade 4

 Topics to be covered in the lesson include: 1. The reason why we multiply 2. Multiplying two integers no greater than 6 and no less than 0
 At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. Explain why we multiply instead of add in some instances 2. Multiply two integers between 0 and 6 3. Use their knowledge about multiplication to give examples of when multiplication is more practical than addition.
 The students will demonstrate their ability to: 1. Explain what multiplication is 2. Multiply 3. Make practical connections to multiplication
 1 piece of paper 1 pencil Dry Erase Board/Marker (if available)
 Multiplication has many uses to everyday human life. Many of the things we have today come in pairs. Shoes and eyes come in pairs of 2's, triplets come in groups of 3's, car wheel's come in groups of 4's, fingers on hands come in groups of 5's, and a half-dozen of donuts comes in groups of 6's. When trying to count things, sometimes it becomes a very long process to count things individually. For this reason, we use multiplication. When trying to count how many car wheels are on five cars, instead of counting each individual wheel, we can remember the equation 4 X 5. The first number 4 is the number of wheels on one car and the second number, 5 is how many cars we have. If we multiply the two numbers, we will find that there are 20 wheels on 5 cars.
 The students will be given a pencil or dry erase board to write down equations after I sign story problems. For example, if I say "There are five kids in Dennis Catron's class, and we want to give each of them 2 pieces of candy, what would the equation be to find out how many pieces of candy we need?" The student will then write down, "5 X 2." After the student writes down the equation, they will then be responsible for writing the answer.
 The students will practice by doing the following: 1. Write the answers and equations of the word problems on a dry erase board or piece of paper 2. Take a 15 question multiplication assignment
 If students struggle with the 15 question assignment, I will go through some of the problems with them by creating story problems that go with the test.
Checking For Understanding:
 If the student receives lower than 12 out of 15 correct on the assignment, the student has not yet mastered the concept of multiplication. If the student receives 12-13 out of 15 correct, the student will be proficient in their multiplication skills. Scores of 14-15 out of 15 will be marked as mastered.
 After the students have completed both assignments, I will then know what skills the students have and don't have so I can have a basis of the things that are still needed to be worked on. If all of the students have a proficient or mastery marking, they understand basic multiplication and can move on. If the students have not mastered the concept, more time needs to be focused on multiplication before moving on.
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