Lesson Plan : Tens and Ones Places

Teacher Name:
 Megan Smith
 Grade 1

 Place Value
 Building tens and ones and how they relate to place value.
 The learner will read, write, and model whole numbers through 99 and compute with whole numbers. TLW be able to identify two digit numbers and make using place value blocks.
 The learner will demonstrate how to build five numbers from 0-99 using tens and ones. TLW use dice and place value blocks to make two digit numbers.
 Base ten blocks Workmats Markers Whiteboards Elmo & LCD Projector Dice, place value blocks (tens and ones), 100 chart
 The students will be given a large handful of counters (ones cubes). They will be asked to count the set and write the number on their whiteboard. Once they have completed the task, I will then tell them that counting by ones takes a lot longer and we may lose track easily and have to start all over. We can use tens and ones to help us count more efficiently. Before the lesson, make a t-chart on Smartboard with one digit number on one column and two digit on the other. Ask the students what do they notice that's different about the two groups of numbers.
 I will then show the students how I put the cubes into groups of ten. I will count by tens for the groups and then by ones for the extra cubes left over. I will then write my number on the whiteboard. The students will have a chance to talk with their neighbor and compare/contrast the different ways to count. A few students will share their answers and we will discuss. Then, I will use the Elmo to model how to count tens and ones on the workmats. I will demonstrate the long orange blocks are tens and cubes are ones. I will model the numbers: 4, 12, 23, 35, 41, 57, 62. Discuss with students that there are different ways of counting numbers. Count to 100 by 1's and then 10's and ask which took the less amount of time. Introduce vocabulary tens and ones, place value blocks. On Smartboard display number and use visual place value blocks to make given number. Discuss how the blocks are grouped when there becomes groups of tens.
 The students will then have a chance to follow along with me and try to make the following numbers with their base ten blocks: 8, 16, 24, 32, 45, 53, and 61. I will walk around and monitor the students and guide them as needed. After the students have had a chance to model the last two numbers, I will choose a student to model and explain their thinking on the Elmo. Have several students come up and make given number with visual place value blocks on Smartboard. In circle on carpet show place value blocks and discuss how they students are going to use to make numbers. Practice making two digit numbers together.
 Students who are at-risk will be seated at the front so that I can closely monitor their practice. The partners will be grouped in a way that the students can help each other. For higher children you can have them make two digits without the place value blocks and even make more challenging by introducing hundreds place. For lower level children start with making one digit numbers and using one blocks to make numbers before moving on to two digit numbers.
Checking For Understanding:
 The students will then be given a number to practice on their own. They will build the number with the blocks and draw a picture of it and write the number. During partner work walk around the room and assess the understanding of the students. Ask individuals how many tens and ones are in a certain number, etc. Remediation with students on a one on one basis during informal assessment.
 After given time of rolling dice, making number, and marking off of 100 chart ask the students what they notice about their chart. Some will notice that they cannot mark off number higher then 66, discuss why this is.
 19 of the 20 students mastered the objective. The remaining student will receive additional instruction in small group. After plenty of hands on practice with place value blocks continue to monitor if student is able to tell how many ones and tens without manipulatives.
Teacher Reflections:
 The students were able to master the concept quickly and didn't need much practice. They did have trouble with making numbers that didn't have any tens i.e. 5, 2, etc. Next time, I will plan extension and challenge activities for ones who finish quickly. During calendar time daily make the date of the month using tens and ones blocks to keep ongoing discussion of the place value objective.

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