Lesson Plan : Place Value To Thousandths Place

Teacher Name:
 K. Dauntain
 Grade 5

 Place Value
 Tenths place, hundredths place, thousandths place
 The learner will identify, understand, model and explain decimal place value to the thousandths place
 Students will be able to articulate the meaning of decimal place value. Students will understand that the place value represents a part of a whole.
 Place a number on the board. Review whole number place value. Make sure that students understand that place value changes the value of a number.
 Add spaces for the tenth, hundredths, and thousandths place to the number on the board. Have students record the number in their math journals. Have students record the words tenths, hundredths and thousandths in their journals. Assist students in creating word webs for new vocabulary. Discuss that the place values represent a fraction of one. Create model pictures to show various numbers and show examples on the overhead using transparency models.
 Place the following numbers on the board.(eight tenths, five hundredths, four tenths, and thirty-nine hundredths. Have students copy these numbers into their math journals. Assist students in drawing repesentations of these numbers in their journals.
 Students having difficulty may use base ten blocks to represent numbers.
Checking For Understanding:
 Place transparency models of various numbers on the overhead. Have students tell what number they believe is represented and explain why they think the way they do.
 Review decimal place value and their meanings.
 Students should be able to explain place value in verbal and written form.
Teacher Reflections:

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